How to deal with high anxiety?

I’ve been having bad anxiety lately and may need pills. How do you manage your anxiety?


I try to love myself more.

I’m still struggling but it’s improving

Writing down useful phrases

Repating them when need be


I’ve been eating better now for 13 days. I feel better and stronger

I hope you feel better soon.


I try to empty my mind and slowly breathe. That seems to help.


Sounds like a good idea if it helps

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Benzo’s through your doctor are great fast acting meds for anxiety but they come with so many problems. They are addictive and you build dependance so if you can do without them it’s good…still. Talk to your doctor because some get by on them.

With hindsight. I find exercise, diet and a better mental headspace to be so much better. I had a gran mal after suddenly stopping xanax years ago. I wasn’t on a lot either but it’s possible as most of our meds lower the seizure threshold or something like that.

As always. Bring in up with your doctor. Medications like benzos are short term options. They’ll get you too the dance but they are poor at things afterwards in the long run…then things like ssri’s can help along the anxiety too.


I avoid everything that triggers my anxiety. So I avoid a lot of things.


Benzos, antidepressants, exercise, deep breathing exercises, grounding, laughing and staying away from salt and sugar are good options.

I use gapapentin, works pretty good, also deep breathing helps.

Used to be diazepam then Pregabalin and now vortioxetine

Sertraline and fluoxetine did not help

Propanonal did not help but didn’t give that a proper chance

I take Klonopin and Buspar. :shrimp::shrimp::shrimp:

I noticed my anxiety worsen while on alcohol.
I stopped alcohol yesterday, and I hope to stay sober for 6 months and more. Even way more. I never overused it, but even a small amount makes me more anxious and more suicidal. After my breakup I cannot drink at all due to feeling suicidal…

Overall I feel healthy, good lifestyle can and do lessen anxiety. As sports and etc. Also healthy diet. :slight_smile:
Also, fighting my fears eye to eye also makes me less anxious.