How much time a day do you spend listening to music?

im listening less and less about 30 minutes to an hour before bed. it’s good i enjoy it in small time gaps and then go to sleep. if im driving in the car, i also have the radio on. how bout u?


not enough…playing it too. i mess the jamming


It depends on my mood.

I like checking out YouTube to see if I can spot any new releases.

And when I draw I like listening to deep house music on a playlist.

Or I put a song I like on an hour loop.

And when I walk I do listen to music sometimes.

But apart from that I quite enjoy the silence of my room or the background TV from another room.


I used to watch tv all day. Now I listen to the radio instead.


All day everyday 24/7 except when sleeping.


Even in the shower and when going to the bathroom lol


maybe 2hours a day. i love music.


When i can i will listen like for an hour or two it depends if i want to do something else or have to.


I have music tv channels on all the time.


It varies, but probably at least a couple of hours each day on average.

I’ve been listening a lot to radio lately instead of watching tv. I think it is good for my psyche with less visual stimuli.

I still watch tv, but a lot less. I find its more fulfilling to watch when I only do it a little.

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A couple hours I guess :musical_note:

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I listen to YouTube while walking. They have a lot of good live performances of the songs I like from 80s and 90s bands. Lately I have been listening to Billy Idol. How I miss live music!

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I used to listen to a lot of music.Used to have an account with Last FM with many songs on it. That had several changes which made it worse and worse so in the end I cancelled it . Nowadays I’ll listen to the occasional song on Youtube.

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I listen to music in the background non stop I hear voices when it’s quiet


I go to bed with it on and listen until I fall asleep.

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I listen to music quite a bit to make it feel like the neighbors can’t yell at me, when, in fact, I probably am hallucinating them yelling.

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I listen to music for hours every day. I read books a fair bit and like to listen to classical like mozart,chopin,vivaldi,bach while I’m reading. I also listen to a lot of metal while driving my car or shaving in the morning lol.

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I listen to a lot. I sleep to a local alternative radio station so I’m always listening to new music and I sleep to it. It’s on my car radio as I drive to my volunteer job a couple of days a week and I listen whilst I exercise to my digital itunes library.

I have always loved music and always seen bands etc.

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After schizophrenia hit me, the joy of listening to music seemed to vanish… it really sucks. Dunno if it’s the illness, or me not smoking cannabis anymore. I am not too sure…:no_mouth:

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Almost all my waking time.

I have the option of 2 bluetooth speakers that I can carry with me and my phone, with a data connection (wifi or cellular) to access YouTube Music and my playlists.

I also have a nice pair of bluetooth headphones and even earbuds for particular situations.

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