How much do you smoke?(poll)

Cool! Good wishes!

You were on four packs??? For how much time?
I wonder if now i can die from 2 packs a day? :frowning: … I cough more lately…

i smoke 12 smokes a day

It weren’t cool man, I was very sad and depressed and sleep wasn’t happening at all either. I was abusing a waking agent at the time because one of the side effects on me was to make me feel happy. It was a bit depressing when I think back on it, but funny too in some ways bc of how stupid

About two months, i was spending something like 2 thousand each month if I remember correctly. I sometimes have two packs a day. I don’t cough much at all. But I can’t speak loud for longer than a word sometimes because my voice drys up.

So when I get angry and into an argument. It’s awkward because I struggle to speak angry loud for longer than two seconds.

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