How many of these do you have?

One recovery strategy we’re learning about at support group says a combination of these will be a powerful therapeutic formula. They are minimum medication, talking therapies, useful occupation, family, friends, rest and relaxation. I would also add having a significant other. Do you do all of these in some way or want to make an effort? I have all of these except useful occupation. I am working on that though. What about you? What combination helps you to recover?


Yeah cool question!

I take minimum meds, but they are high from some experimentation and getting back on them. I don’t do talk therapy. It just doesn’t work for me and I don’t miss anything. I have a great volunteer job to do and learn heaps and it really is an art preparing a turf cricket wicket. ( It could lead to future work if I needed to as well. ).

I’m 47. I am not really interested in a relationship because I live with my parents and that makes things hard. I don’t say no…but I’m happy with my life and the cat and I do well. I know how to relax and do it well. I need to drink less beer but I’m going to have a crack in the new year to lose some weight.

So. Yes…I believe in most of them and it’s not a bad program to be doing!


I feel I have recently totally accepted that i have sz. Before, I had to keep reminding myself in order to stay grounded. Now it’s different since I have more experience with how psychosis works. So acceptance would definitely be something, as well.

But yes, I agree. I recently reconnected with my therapist, started being open with my family and am now on a smaller dose of different meds than I was before and feel more functionality. I hope I can get an appt with my therapist in january. I’m establishing better habits and routine to keep me busy, as well. Seems to be helping.

Also, being more positive about everything always helps no matter what you’re going through. :sunglasses:


I am almost on minimum medications. I have good relations with my family who I see on a regular basis.

Also I go to 2 support groups. One is walking the other arts and crafts.

Currently on a waiting list for CBT and take some vitamins.

Medicine makes my muscles hurt a bit so I relax with radox baths and deep heat rubs. I’d like to go for a regular massage or accupuncture. But maybe next year.

I think that list is very important and good. It’s wellness as a whole. Takin g many things into account. I believe in that. It’s not all about medicating symptoms. And we have to take care of ourselves as much as possible and be kind to ourselves.


Lowest dose of Consta. Talking therapy-no. Occupation - no. Family -yes. Friends-no. Rest and relaxation- does not doing much count?


Sounds like a wise combination. :slight_smile:

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I have a husband who is very kind to me. I’m starting with a counselor in January. I’m having trouble sleeping so I’m not getting enough of that, but I’m getting some sleep now.I’m on a high dose of meds but we’re still looking for the right combination for me. When I was on Medicaid I had group therapy. I miss that. It took me a long time to get comfortable there, but once I was, I liked it. Maybe this counselor I’m going to see will help.


My strategy is different. I don’t need therapy. I get paranoid of therapists anyway and I don’t have any issues to work on so I don’t need therapy at this time in my life. I would rather volunteer than work a job because it is less stressful. I also don’t want to be in a romantic relationship because of the stress involved. With me, it always seems to end badly and I don’t need the stress or the hassle. I would rather focus on rest and relaxation through meditation, yoga, piano practice, reading and enjoyment of friends and family and my cat.

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I take minimum meds and relax as much as I can - usually with a book or music :blush: also got a wonderful husband to support me and an excellent relationship with my parents. And keep a connection with God.


I am working towards minimum medication with my pdoc. In the past, I have been heavily medicated. We are weaning me off of two meds. I will be stopping one this weekend. The next, in one month’s time. I’ve also stopped opioids, which is a huge step. I do have a significant other, but no friends. I talk to my family several times a week, but they are far away and I rarely see them- often not for years at a time- so it’s not quite the same. I don’t go to a support group, and I don’t work. I guess I get plenty of rest, but it’s more of a depressed sleeping than anything relaxing, so I don’t know that it counts.

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