im on quetiapine 800mg and also abilify 20mg…ive been on the quetiapine 800 for over a year but added 20mg of abilify 2 days ago…BUT HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO WORK ive heard conflicting reports…some say 4/5 days, others say 2/3 weeks and the others say 6 weeks
how long do i have to wait for the extra abilify to work
" How long does aripiprazole take to start working?
It can take a few days, or sometimes a few weeks, for aripiprazole to start helping you. You may not feel the full to effects of the medication for four to six weeks. It’s hard to be exact as aripiprazole works differently for each person."
It took me half a decade to get my meds sorted well enough to regain real function. I also went through a lot of meds with dizzying changes in types and dosages.