How is everyone tonight?

No, he actually lives around the corner from me. He lives with my mom and sister.

And yes, we vape together. :slight_smile:

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All the family in same neighborhood. That’s cool.

My mom lives 1 Mile away. My sister 15 miles and my dad 60 miles.


I’m thinking about having breakfast. It’s 05:09 and that seems be a good time.

yes I plan on staying up…if I decide to go to sleep I just pop my trazadone.

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There’s a solution for every problem :wink:

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I am having trouble taking deep breaths and went to the ER. They did X-rays and an EKG and gave me an inhaler with instructions to see my primary care provider on Monday. I’m miserable not being able to breathe right. I think it’s time to give up the vaporizer, so I ordered some nicotine gum on Amazon. I also hope the inhaler works…


Smart play. Vaping is definitely not good for your lungs.
Hope you feel better soon.

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Hope you will breathe easier @WhiteRaven .

I’m not feeling good.
I had my Covid booster yesterday and that may be why.

I’m cold and not feeling right.


Not feeling that positive.

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Hugs to you my good sir.



Can you make one of your famous Frappuccino’s of which I’ve seen so many pictures?

I’ve been on this forum for few months and sometimes I wonder how do you guys made it. Unknown heros, this is what you are and I am talking about most of everybody that was struggeling with sz for years.

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