How do you think of the film “A Beautiful Mind?”

Thats a good point it was depicted in a good light, but the reality was much worse.

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The director, Ron Howard, said the same thing. But where do the changes stop?

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When you have a movie that people would actually want to watch, I understand they exaggerated his positive symptoms for the aesthetic of the movie, the movie about Steve Jobs is full of a whole bunch of half truths, I’m not saying it’s right but that’s how things are typically done.

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Nash Equilibrium mainly focuses on situations where all people cannot improve their outcome. Traffic lights work this way. The best outcome for every car is to obey traffic lights, even if no one is watching.


Very interesting theory. Just read about it. I intended to earlier but never gotten around to it till now lol

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maybe another one is if a bunch of wheat farmers all agree to keep the prices the same instead of one farmer charging less to sell more, because they will all lose bringing their prices down to meet him and he will lose ultimately when they compete

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or another example for this forum

a thread is opened that borders on politics or a banned topic

so everyone agrees not to mention anything political

if one person changes the strategy to talking about politics

the thread discussion gets closed and someone possibly suspended

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It’s a good movie. I like the sound track.


Another example of Nash Equilibrium is when chess players agree to a draw. Another example is when a chess game is a draw based on 3 fold repetition. Neither player can improve their outcome if they make a different move.


Same. Needed more aliens.


How about Dannie Darko?

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Needed less Jake Gyllenhaal.

Snark aside, it was a very cleverly written film.


I never finished it. Didn’t like it.

Do you believe in time travel?
It was a rhetorical question

Was donnie darko about time travel?


It’s kind of a movie that has multiple different meanings that you’re supposed interpret on your own so maybe it was or he was just a schizophrenic.

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i figured that when I was watching and it kind of stressed me out watching it and I thought the effort I need to put into this probably wont pay off

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I thought A Beautiful Mind was an okay movie. I don’t know it just didn’t seem very realistic to me about how the lives of most schizophrenics are. Maybe Nash is an outlier. Maybe the movie is more Hollywood than something made by an independent filmmaker or someone more “edgy.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it though.


The schizophrenia likely did not help him or play any supporting role and he would have succeeded in math without it.

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Still don’t understand that movie. Even tho I researched it online

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