How do you manage your Tardive dyskinesia

Thank you @anon98519533 for your answer, what is arrange? my psych doc took me off abilify. lets see what is next.

Artane sorry used on risperdal,too

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My pdoc reduced my Saphris by half, and it made my symptoms much worse. If you do have TD, taking you off of your APs will make the symptoms worse before they get better. If you are diagnosed with TD, they may plan to put you on something that is less likely to cause symptoms, like clozapine. That is what my pdoc is doing for me. There are many downsides to it though, as I think people have discussed with you in another thread.

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May I ask which country are you from @anon98519533? If from US, did your doc prescribed Artane for you?

I guess my TD was in initial condition when are addressing it. Hopefully it wonā€™t get worse. I really liked the medicine otherwise and tolerated it well. hopefully I find some combination like Artane or other drug to work with it. lets c. Do you take or have tried any thing like artane (is used for parkinsons disease) or Trihexyphnidyl?

Trihex is generic for artane :grinning:

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any side effects of artane?

any side effects of artane? Just worried that to stop one side effect will get another. Its like choosing the lesser evil.

Honestly, Iā€™ve been taking it for 12 years. But my TD was ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  awful! My arm would twist and Iā€™d look like a hitchhiker and Iā€™d pucker my mouth like a fishā€¦could hardly chew or drink. I mean baaaaad. Was on mellaril and risperdal. And last year off of it all medsexcept Xanax and added abilify for three days while in hospital cuz of hospital screwups thinking I wouldnā€™t have TD anymore and couldnā€™t drink w/o a straw my mouth wouldnā€™t open. I acted as if Iā€™d bit my tongue or something cuz I could barely open mouth and had a lisp. Side effects canā€™t remember but it made me not ticklish anymore lol. I still canā€™t chew gum, though

Sorry garbledā€¦was trying to talk to my husband about lunch while responding.

so artane how much help does it actually do? did you start taking it as precaustion to prevent TD or you started after your TD was really bad? wondering if you are planning to try Ingrezza (new FDA approved drug for TD) instead of artane? How much did artane help after you started? Had artane any sideeffects?

Thank you for reply in advance, I am getting bit paranoid about this TD thing.

Ok. Mine was really badā€¦embarrassing debilitating. My husband and I went into drs office and he explained what I had. No warning before starting meds. Had no clue what was going on. He put me on trihex and everything much better. Had to go into hospital for long qtc because of my antipsychotics. Couldā€™ve diedā€¦long story. Anyways, currently on abilify whichput on in hospital but they thought TD would go away. Nope couldnā€™t move jawā€¦finally they put me back on trihex, and am also on meds cuz abilify makes me hyper, tooā€¦xanax, saphris and temazepam. On Monday they want me to add vylar

Fact is TD sux donkey balls. But trihex helps but no longer ticklish and been on so long and cuz long qtā€¦thatā€™s what I can take. Still canā€™t chew gum and knock and temples acheā€¦but better than full blown TD. Omg, it was so awful. Everyone reacts differently to meds, though. Iā€™m lucky this has helped a lot but not completely. Again apologize, Iā€™m cooking but I know how scared you are.

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sorry to hear what you have to go through. I appreciate your answer and sharing personal experience. question: did your TD go away on trihex and came back when you were off trihex? is it an expensive medicine? have you tried talking them about Ingrezza for TD? its FDA approved just last year.
I was on abilify but my pdoc took me off after I started developing symptoms for TD. I liked the drug otherwise. wondering what would I do next.

Itā€™s an old generic. I get it for 10 a month. Yes, when stopped for 3 days came back. Still suffer mildly. I have developed long qtc so I can take very few meds. My qtc is ok on current meds. I have 4 drs that have to discuss any med alteration.

Thank you for the information, @anon98519533. Your TD sounds awful; Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that.

dumb question what is qtc?

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Thank you TomCat

Ty sorry it sux