How do I create a poll on here

Happy st.patricks day. How do you create a poll on here? Have I not earned it yet?

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Click on options to build poll. put in the first poll option then skip a line and post the next poll options.

Doesn’t give me an option to create a poll, I thought I have to unlock it lol.

When you reply or create a new post, click on the gear-cog icon next to the smiley icon.

I don’t have any smiley icon lol

Upload a screenshot of your create new topic and reply screens.

Do you not have the gear icon (2nd from the right)

I get nothing from that top row of icons, I don’t even get it :frowning: lol

Click on the three lines top right to get options or that down arrow


Got it, sorry guys. This was embarrassing haha

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