How Do I? (Another help thread)

And another help thread. I have noticed in life that a lot of people just do not know how to do certain things. This is because they weren’t taught a lot of times.

So ask how to do anything here. Need to tie a tie? Need to plunge a toilet? Don’t know how to budget? Nothing is too insignificant. Don’t be embarrassed, either. We are all friends here.

IF YOU ANSWER A QUESTION- make sure to tag the person who asked. You can answer with your own experience OR link to a tutorial, video tutorial, or website with the answer. You can also copy info and paste it in.

I am hoping to make the forum even more supportive and help everyone in their daily life. Sz and sza is hard enough, let’s make it a little easier.


I have no idea how to tie a tie. I’ve always used clip-ons.

Have a specific question and I know the member who can answer it though so all are welcome.

How do I fully enjoy the cinema?

There is lots of shite out there. Just looking to expand my narrow horizons.

Basically, what makes a fine film?

Haha. @Montezuma you got this dude.



@ThePickinSkunk - you mentioned it, so I got a link for tying a tie :slight_smile: I don’t know the answer to your real question.


How to quit cigarrettes? Please help.


A good one is how to close up a cardboard box. This isn’t intuitive for many and I was one of them up until 3 days ago.


A good way to start quitting is to change your smoking habits. Identify what you do when smoking. Then stop having a cigarette during thise times. Like… if you smoke with coffee start cutting out smoking with coffee. Just have your cuppa. Quit smoking after eating right away.Eventually these triggers will no longer trigger the desire to smoke.

Another method is to buy pipe tobacco and roll your own cigs. The pipe tobacco has less nicotine. It is easier to quit once you get used to these. Plus rolling takes time, so you will smoke less.

When you have a cig craving, drink a cup of water before smoking. Wait a few minutes, then smoke. It can help short circuit the craving.

You can also switch to vaping. Start out by replacing a cigarette with 10 minutes of vaping. Do this for your main smoke breaks.

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I resonate with part of what u say. I think I will try having a candy each time I want to smoke… just as a substitute that would work for me.

It’s difficult. But doable. I quit 5 years ago. But i started vaping 2 years ago.

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Ohhhh this is a tough one. But a basic film theory book can point you in the right direction.

A lot of films like Birth of a Nation and Nosferatu, the original twenties film, are shown at all film schools around the world.

Also the British Film Institute has a great website that recommends certain films and directors. You could get lost for hours on there.

Keep exploring, and you’ll find your niche in filmic language.

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@latenightsurfer, I quit smoking a few years ago. The first day, I had as many cigarettes as I wanted, but I counted every one of them. For the next week, I had 1 less cigarette than on the first day. Then the next week, I smoked 2 less cigarettes per day and so on until I had my last cigarette


That’s really a wonderful thing u did. I hope to be able to do something like that. Thank you.


You can quit @latenightsurfer

Remember, keeping busy and drinking enough water is key to quitting.

If I can do it anyone else can too.

Every time you have a craving for a cigarette, just keep busy with other things.

Take walks, drink enough water and engage in your hobbies.

Just don’t smoke.

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I’m just waiting for the sex questions to start.


Oh, I have a question.

How do you fold a fitted bed sheet?

I can never do it right.


How do I clean a dirty tub if I cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia or bleach? I’m very sensitive to those kinds of chemical smells.

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I’ve successfully cleaned my tub with just baking soda and a good scrub brush.


I use Dow Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner in an aerosol can.

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I quit Cold Turkey and went through withdrawal symptoms. I was having problems breathing and had to quit ASAP. The withdrawal symptoms eased up after a month and were gone completely after two or three months.

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@anon1517417 try orange vinegar. I make it by putting a bunch of organge peels in a big jar. Cover with white vinegar. Let sit a few weeks. Pour out vinegar to fill a spray bottle and use like any other cleaner.

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