How can I hide that I have schizophrenia?

People notice me crazy or something. They always tell me that I am crazy. I don’t know how they know but they do. how can I hide it?

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You mean other than medication? You just have to try to be mindful about how you act and what you say, and also what you think.


Good selfcare helps a lot. Clean dress, combed hair, decent shoes, fresh smell. You can get away with a lot more if you are properly dressed.

Look at how other people behave and see if you do things differently.

First though…decide what you want to adjust to fit in…and what you don’t. Normal is overrated. Many of the crazy people I know are a lot more kind.


Blend in to people, don’t be unique.

I am way too unique but when the crowd runs in forest fire I would be in the middle.

The illness is like personal details such as your secrets.
It’s ok few knows but make sure you are not aware of what others know. Predicting who knows what is not you. And it not good for me too.

I in fact forget stuff. So all will be and get ok.

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I was at the store just now. My eyes do something weird like get blanked or soft. This woman noticed and kinda commented. It wasn’t negative but a lot of times it’s like nvm he’s crazy. Idk it’s something my eyes do like I get unfocused. Crazy eyes. Most people I know especially some mentally I’ll people say I don’t seem mentally ill or normies have said no one knows. Idk. I try not to stick out, but I feel I do.

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Take antipsychotic medication regularly. I work in a social setting and no one can distinguish me, a schizophrenic from a normal person. I am out and about with no indication that bystanders know I have a mental illness.

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