How can I be disciplined and lose weight?

In the last 24 months Ive lost 32kg. It is atleast 60lbs I think. I dont bother looking online for a converter, as the metric scale is pretty much better.
I did this by cutting my food intake in half. I also stopped eating heavy servings of baconcheesburgers and such. Chocolate is a no no, I do allow myself a weekly bag of chips.

Other than that I eat what I normally ate, just less ca 50%. That sounds harsh but it really wasnt. I have a picky taste in food, so I figure a fish or vegetable diet was not for me. Ive changed my BMI from 41 to 31 and currently I seemed to have stuck at 110 kg.

My main motivation was to avoid getting sick, and also to look better, as I was very obese. Also my mother is giving me some money for each 5kg I loose. That is maybe a incentive too. To be honest that is a good deal.

Im on 10mg zyprexa, for the 16th year.


It’s not about’s not about’s about your life
Do you need to give up all sugars?
This took me eight years
You might not have that long
You’re 40% more likely of dying if you’re obese, from Covid 19
Find out whether you can become a member of overeaters anonymous? This is transforming my life.I’ve lost 14 kg since April well eating more and better then I ever did before

Give online meetings a try… They say to try and six meetings just to give it a chance.

It’s a 12 step program so it’s transforms everything.

This is not a Diet and calories club, but if you follow their advice you will lose all and be a healthy weight.

As soon as I join the program I have only had some sugar a couple of times.
And with the help of this sponsor I’m continuing to lose weight while sorting out my problems emotionally spiritually and physically

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If you constantly have junk food around, just minimise your intakes, and maybe get a little exercise in, even 30 minutes brisk walk! :slightly_smiling_face:

Goodluck! :crossed_fingers:

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