How are your Negative symptoms

Mine are so debilitating but amisulpride does help to lighten them - but only a little. But without amisulpride my negatives are more severe so that I’d be unable to do anything but lie in bed or on the floor.

My motivation continues to be a problem . My house is a obstacle to clean. But at least I did clean toilets today. I have to wait for the house to be shocking before I do anything.

My brain is foggy. I feel so like I’m walking in muddy water and my feet are being sucked back down each time I try to lift them.

Forget positives. The negatives are far worse.

How are your negatives? Mild? Disabling? How do you cope with them?

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My negative symptoms are moderate. I’m not “disabled” by them per se, but it’s like trying to run in a swimming pool all the time.


I don’t know exactly since my parents do everything in the house. But alone, maybe my negatives could be disabling.

My negative symptoms are mild I can clean up a house I can go do things HOWEVER if I stop taking my meds it’s serious and often incredibly severe

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Negative symptoms have me laying down in bed all the time

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I fight daily but lately I’m winning.

Routine helps. Do things regularly and force yourself to do it. Whether it’s lists and ticking off tasks or just doing it it helps.

I have success living a structured life and routine really helps fight the negs.


Much better than, say, 5 years ago.
Still an issue though. I can’t bring myself to leave the house everyday, as I should. I tend to slack off on weekends too. Luckily, on weekdays my job keeps me active.

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Im getting much better

My negatives are still severe and it’s bothering me a lot, but I’m still managing to lift weights 3x a week and study a little, but I get stopped and do nothing sometimes

The swimming pool analogy is superb!!! @everhopeful


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