How annoying you are

From 1-10 how do you rate it for others? Do you feel they can’t bear you? And do you feel it is fair or not?

I feel I was annoying to the core like 10/10 when I was psychotic and depressed. They would literally trash talk me in my face or even have some worse plans for me.

Now I know I am not like that. But the past has reverberated through their whole body and still feels I suck. Not sure if anyone from past would change feelings for me.

I think if that is the case it is not fair and hope someone sees beyond my past.

I’m not annoying to others really. So I’d give myself 3 out of 10.

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That’s good. I felt I was annoying to myself too so tried to take my life multiple times. I cannot do that again as it is too painful than living.

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It depends how much I like someone else. I can turn the dial to eleven if I want them to leave me alone in a hurry.


I’m very loud and abrasive in real life.

I know that’s very difficult to tell from my quiet and out-of-the-way persona here on the forum.

Easy, I could creep up to a solid 9 on that scale depending on your taste.


Idk man… Feels like the “illness” changed everything. Before all this happened nobody was annoyed by me. Now I guess I’ve changed in their minds so maybe I annoy them. They do have the option to stop stalking me tho lol but frfr … Maybe I’m crazy

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You don’t sugar coat anything and you are loyal and I will always respect you for that.

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I’m a social person but not everyone’s cup of tea so to speak.

So. I have friends I’ve known since primary school and the first year of high school and we still catch up. I guess I’m not that intolerable but ask some guys down the cricket club and I’m an asshat!

You’ll never please everyone so just be yourself and be kind to others. Those who don’t buy into your stuff aren’t worth persuing anyways is how I look at it!


good advice there, thanks for sharing

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On my best behavior I’m like a 5 or 6 lol


Also, you should change the title of this thread to “How annoying are you”? And just like that I’m back at a 10


What does a girl being asked to describe my wiener have to do with this thread? 10 baby!!


Well i walked passed my coworker today and he had one of those old big calculators out. I looked at it and he said “don’t…”

I turned it on and wrote 80085. Which looks like…


:laughing: yes im annoying :grin:


Is she going to describe @Aimingatremission 's SS minno Johnson?

Asking the questions the people need to know.



I believe I am annoying to others, because I talk too much
Like 6-7/10

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My laid-back attitude has rarely annoyed anyone, except some of my dates who were probably wishing for more intensity.

I’m extremely annoying and difficult to be around. I’m trying to be more positive though. I’d say 9


I don’t think I’m annoying really but I’m not so likable it seems

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I really managed to annoy my sister especially when I was ill

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