Hi folks. What are you up to today?

I’m having a chilled day.

Gonna find out when triangle of sadness is on in the cinema. It looks like it could be a good movie. There’s a cleaner in it :grinning:

Then I’m gonna eat pasta at a pizza restaurant!

Then I’m going home

Then I’m gonna go with the flow.

When I eat trash food I tend to take life much easier so I’m probably gonna do laundry and such.

What about you folks?


I may be on medication again. I may be gaining weight again. I may be sort of alone again.

But today is gonna be perfect and no one is getting in my way.

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Just enjoy, even alone :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yea exactly. There’s still the waitress to say hello to. And this forum. :stuck_out_tongue:

Take care


I will play some dota and do some art practice today.

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That sounds nice.

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I had a little party all by myself till 6am in the morning, i woke up at 3 pm and couldn’t believe the chaos i created. So i tidied it all up. I am chilling (relaxing) now.

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Hope you have a nice chill day. :pray:

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Yes its great i got nothing to worry about. No obligations, commitments or appointments.

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I put away most of the dishes I cleaned yesterday already. It’s like 4:30 am here. After a while I will wash the last load of dishes and finish wiping down the stove and counters. When it warms up enough and there’s light, I will start taking loads down to the laundry room. I think I’ll just do 2 trips worth today for financial reasons, I only have 2 rolls of quarters (that’s 5 loads). While I’m waiting for laundry I’ll visit with my ex if he’s up for it. Then when it’s done, I’ll come back here and either relax or clean some more depending on how I’m feeling.


7:05am here. Waiting for mom to wake up so I can do some guitar practice at a decent volume.

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Wow. You’ve done a lot so early in the morning. Do you get up that early everyday?

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I don’t really sleep much right now honey, because of the sleep apnea. But I will get my bipap machine really soon, then I’ll be sleeping up a storm. lol


Oh good. I’m glad

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Ideally, cleaning my apartment up. More realistically, doing nothing. :neutral_face:

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I have to go to the dentist in 30 mins. Hope no major works need to be done.


I have to go to the grocery store. That’s my only plan for the day. It’s really hard on me to go, so I go with my husband sometimes to try to become independent in it over time.

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Quitting smoking (again)…
So I’ll be in strange mood

It’s really difficult cleaning up when not in the mood. Perhaps put some music on it might help.

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