I had a little party all by myself till 6am in the morning, i woke up at 3 pm and couldn’t believe the chaos i created. So i tidied it all up. I am chilling (relaxing) now.
I put away most of the dishes I cleaned yesterday already. It’s like 4:30 am here. After a while I will wash the last load of dishes and finish wiping down the stove and counters. When it warms up enough and there’s light, I will start taking loads down to the laundry room. I think I’ll just do 2 trips worth today for financial reasons, I only have 2 rolls of quarters (that’s 5 loads). While I’m waiting for laundry I’ll visit with my ex if he’s up for it. Then when it’s done, I’ll come back here and either relax or clean some more depending on how I’m feeling.
I don’t really sleep much right now honey, because of the sleep apnea. But I will get my bipap machine really soon, then I’ll be sleeping up a storm. lol
I have to go to the grocery store. That’s my only plan for the day. It’s really hard on me to go, so I go with my husband sometimes to try to become independent in it over time.