How are you doing @TheBest? How’s the Clozapine working out for you?
I’ve never said anything about normies before. I kind of feel like a normie though not exactly sure what that means.
So you feel better on Clozapine?
Yeah it’s good stuff. No complaints here.
Good. Glad it is working for you.
I can’t remember. Did you have voices before?
Yea I heard voices for years. It died down a couple of months ago.I mostly just needed help with delusions recently.
Hey man, glad to hear you’re doing well!
Thanks for the concern.
So what symptoms have gotten better with the Clozapine?
I constantly felt like I was being controlled by a satellite and I believed conspiracies about stuff that happened to me. I think about it sometimes it’s just not a big deal anymore.
My doctor told me I’m getting off Risperdal in 5 months so I’m pretty happy about that.
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