It can make users feel confused and anxious, as well as cause panic attacks
Psychotic effects are more common among those taking strongest forms of drug
The key compound that causes psychosis is tetra-hydrocannabinol, or THC
Cannabis can have a range of negative effects on users’ health, experts warn.
It can make them feel confused, anxious and paranoid or experience panic attacks and hallucinations. In some cases, they can develop schizophrenia.
These psychotic effects are more common among those taking the strongest forms of cannabis, such as skunk or sinsemilla.
The key compound that causes psychosis is tetra-hydrocannabinol, or THC, which is also the chemical that produces the ‘high’ users get from the drug.
King’s College London researchers have published a study in the journal Lancet Psychiatry describing how people who use skunk have a much greater risk of developing psychotic mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
Compared to those who never had cannabis, skunk users were twice as likely to be diagnosed with psychosis if they used it once a week and three times as likely if they used it at weekends. The risk rises to five times if they were daily users. As well as triggering mental illness, the drug has a host of other negative effects, the NHS advises.
My psychiatrist said I have schizophrenia because of too much weed.
I read that the brain develops until the age of 21. So if you smoked before that age, even if you stop later you can still develop schizophrenia…
Reality bites
Yeah that happened to me. Although I have heard estimates the brain develops to about 25. Some I heard it never stops but that is probably in more fine tuning and less of actual hypertrophic growth.
I was a daily user from age 15 - 22, but I didn’t go on meds/get diagnosed with sz until I was 30. I wonder if my mj use had anything to do with my psychosis.
It sort of shows the problem a lot of people have when they try to understand predictions. I apologize if it was rude or weird. I wasn’t trying to insult you.
Got mine from skunk weed, salvia, alcohol, monster drinks, and shaman herbs (probably the culprit here). I was trying to get philosophical and was seeking enlightenment. It’s my fault but nobody deserves this crap.
The evidence is strong, at least to me, that smoking marijuana is a risk factor for developing schizophrenia. Just like genetics.
That said, smoking marijuana, in and of itself, does not cause schizophrenia. If that was the case, then the prevalence of schizophrenia in the U.S would be about 50% instead of 1%.
As @anon1571434 said, it’s a matter of probability. Why increase your chances of developing schizophrenia?
Interesting. I also think it’s personality too. Like I smoked a lot of marijuana in a shorter time period than most. I was isolated and under a lot of stress. I wonder how many other schizophrenics wanted to delve deeper into their thoughts?
THAT being said, I do not believe marijuana should be illegal. If you get ■■■■■■ up, going to prison will not make it better. I would rather people have freedom to choose and learn their own way.
I smoked weed everyday for about 2 years. It was all a matter of circumstance. It wasn’t weed that triggered it but weed and several other things combined.