HEALTH = EVERYTHING. Do you agree?
No, but it’s a lot.
I disagree, but its nice to be healthy
Sagar, I’m curious. You seem to be trying to come up with a very abstract but rigid “rulebook” for life. It’s strange for me, personally, because I see life as more fluid, with decisions made as I go based on what’s happening around me. I don’t have a lot of success when I try to apply strict rules to my life.
How is this working for you? What are you doing with your rules? What are you planning for them once you’ve figured them all out? Do you find them helpful?
I Love Thus ,
" Fluid " … ,
e(Y)e’m Curious Are You Into Bhuddism (???) ,
Water & Blood ,
I Changed My Mynde ,
I Was Gonna Nayme My NexXxt Album , Jesus and Tha Bees … ,
But Perhaps , Water and Tha Blood Instead …
Yep but I think it should enable a person to do what they need to get what they want out of life
Philosophically, I like Buddhism a lot. But I am more Taoist than anything else (or I hope to be). You?
I Can’t Spell That Philosophy … : )
Hmm ,
I Call Myself (((Spiritual))) ,
I Once (long ago) Heard From BRIGHT EYES , , , " If you burn them all together you get close to the truth " ,
I Mentioned BRIGHT EYES Once On Thus Site , and That Lyric , So For Any Sneaky Lurkers They Probs Would Have Guessed That I Would Saye All Of Thus … ,
But It’s Important … ,
Important To Me As Well … ,
and When I Read About Religion All Sorts Of Spirituality and All Sorts Of Dark Lovers Of Gods and Goddesses I have Learned That What Is Truly Important Is INDIVIDUALITY … ,
Which Jus Means ,
Those Ghosts Do Naught Want To Be Worshipped … ,
They Need A Friend … ,
So They Can Saye To You While You Are Awake In That Black Midnight , " you are going to be ok " …
and What’s Taoism I Have Yet Checked It Out … ,
Thaz Naught Tha Tibetan Shazz Is It (???) ,
Because I Have Yet Studied On Thaz One As Well …
(apologies to Sagar, perhaps some of this may be helpful?)
I like that a lot.
Taoism (again, this is philosophically rather than religiously, I’m not religious) is a worldview that places yourself in harmony with, rather than in opposition to, nature. Nature as in the sun and moon and plants and other animals and life and death and winds and rain, and nature as in yourself and the people around you. It values accepting the world around you as it is and letting it flow around you and moving with it, rather than fighting against it and trying to impose your will upon it.
One of the ways it helps me personally, is when I find myself tormented by thoughts and fears, I can sit quietly and watch the thought enter my mind, wind through, and then leave. I just observe it, I don’t try to fight with it or change it or suppress it or in any other way hold onto it and make it mine. I just let it pass through.
(just made me think of this. i’m trying not to move, it’s just your ghost passing through)
Thus Is What Excites Me … ,
I Don’t Want To Invade way12go’s Thread Too Much So e(Y)e’m naught Gonna Post It Here But I Whanna Saye Thus … ,
I Once Wrote Out A Personal Philosophical Thesis On Tha Mynde and Lies and Schizophrenic Nonsense , Webbing and Such … ,
I Didn’t Know It At Tha T(Y)me but What I Was Doing Was Shifting Anahlyzation Of Thot Instead Of Letting It “pass throo” … ,
and As I (oh and check out to see if you can fynde that thread on my profile tha transient one) , But I Didn’t Pass Throo Thots e(Y)e Anahlyzed Them As They Shifted and Found Tha Lies Within Tha Webbing … ,
Jus Thot e(Y)e’d Share Thaz … ,
I Would Love To Hear Your Thots On Such …
Most people take their health for granted until they don’t have it.
and Then With Rhubot’s New Philosophy , There’s Thus … ,
But If It Is Insanely Supreme , (tha pain) , There Almost Is Nothing One Can Do … ,
If It Is Insanely Hurting , Then Your Body May Help Your Conciousness Disappear … ,
but If It Is Jus an Edge Away From Tha Edge , You May Be Able To Grip Tha Pain , Tell It To Go ■■■■Itself and Hold Tite To Your Inner Strength and Once Again … ,
Altho Hopefully It Doesn’t Las Too Long … ,
I Mean C’mon Yo Yo (!!!) ,
and Thus Is If You Experience Some Inner Self Recoil Saddness ,
I Do Naught Mean " expand your threshold of pain " …
You know, it works with pain, too.
I have a bit of a theory about myself - as a kid, I experienced everything very intensely. Flavor, light, smells, sounds, pain, emotions. My mom laughs about it now, that I was always so frightened and overwhelmed. But when I was a kid, she was an overworked single mom of two kids, always stressed out, and she never had time for me making what seemed like a great big deal out of nothing, so it was always “shhh” and “stop it, you’re fine”. My dad, who I saw on weekends and summers, was more tolerant, but he hated drama and always frantically tried to get us to calm down without addressing the issue. It’s like I never was heard.
When I get hurt or am miles away from a bathroom but have to go, it’s like my body freaks the ■■■■out, like a tantrum of pain or something. And I’ve found that if I sit still and let myself feel it and say, That hurts, that really hurts, or I have to go to the bathroom, I have to go really badly, then my body settles down and the pain or the urgency fades. I think my body assumes it is not going to be heard, it’s going to be ignored and no one is going to do what it needs to be done. So I have to actively let it know I hear it. And then it passes through.
I wonder if something like this is going on with my hallucinations and delusions - if I spend so much time trying to fight and ignore and suppress stress that my mind is trying more and more desperate ways to get my attention. And I need to take the time to listen and acknowledge, let my mind know I hear it. Because if I keep putting up roadblocks to keep this stuff out, it can’t pass through.
(Am getting ready for vacation to haven’t looked up your thread yet. Will do so, promise)
Dear Friend, I’ve Paranoid type Schizophrenia and Anhedonia…
If you look at lot of guys n girls here in this forum, despite being schizophrenic they make healthy comments
on the other hand I come up with comments like
Everything = Signals
Health = Everything
… something happens …
Everything is a variation…
etc and etc
I don’t even remember all the quotes I came up with all by myself
It’s like I have Depression related loop inside my head
Sarcosine didn’t give creeps even though I finished 250 grams in 20 to 22 days
and Sciz Admin told me it could be signs of depression
Later I understood the meaning of +ve and -ve scizophrenia symptoms
Mine are not like -ve but more like anhedonia
or is it depression
When I used large doses of B6 vitamin
I took a U turn, I instantly got better brain
after a while I realized that b6 and others work but no miracle pill was found
yes they are miracle pills but not to the level, the level giving me relief
For the past 7 to 10 days I have been taking Selegiline 20 mg
and I am normal. There is no loop
Then I came up with this statement
Existence is written and to be written.
selegiline works for depression some guys on internet say tolerance will eventually build
music in this video totally sucks
" The Rest Is Still Unwritten " - Natasha Bedingfield