Have you ever wondered what you could have become

Often mental illnesses such as sz, in my case paranoid sz, cause us to change our course in the way we travel in this world, how we have lost so much due to our illness, we could have become something, maybe something great, even to change the world and the future, have you ever wondered?


“Have you ever wondered what you could have become”

a math professor. I tried for a math degree in college


I could have been in the U S working as a CA…


Nope. Because I’m where I want to be. Schizophrenia was just a fork in the road, not the end of the road.



what’s a CA? do you mean CEO?

lol lucky you. I probably would’ve sleep-walked into an orphanage/ foster home and got arrested.

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I would have sleep walked into having kids. I love kids, don’t get me wrong, but I just never wanted kids.

So schizophrenia has done me a favour.


In the 1990s in America I actually went to companies, mostly international, to do system audits that were then reported to executives and other people, that was few years before I got psz.

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As a child I was a gifted pianist and my mom had great aspirations for me. But when I was about 11 I couldn’t handle the pressure and quit completely. While that was before I was attacked by demons, there was something in me that stopped me.
Much later I got into an art college and knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be an illustrator. But I was deep into my symptoms and under the pressure of assignments and social interactions I broke and dropped out. I dropped out of everything, except church, and was just paralyzed for the next year or so…My parents let me just be on standby. They got me counseling for the Bulimia and depression, but I didn’t tell them or anyone else about the hallucinations. I wasn’t aware of the delusions; I was living them at church.
I never recovered in regards to education. I eventually got a job and life slowly just moved forward with very little effort in my part. I was living in my head.
So, realistically I probably would not have been a pianist, but I absolutely could have been an illustrator. I paint now and sell paintings sometimes. I have regrets but life could have turned out much worse.

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Have u completed ur graduate mj …What;s ur major …!!!

I have my master’s degree, it is business, management and engineering +++ …


This means ur talented …!!! I have seen few example in my community on guy who has sza he refuse to take medicine has topped his graduate level… all SZ are genius …I was sport champ when i was a kid …!!!

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Sure, my career in the Navy was derailed, but it simply forced me to change course. For 20 years I really struggled, in and out of psychiatric hospitals, so my only goal was to hang on.


I don’t know yet. No one knows yet. Its all up to perspective.


@sharp how have you been?


I’ve been good! Working through my second term. I changed my major up but still going strong :slight_smile: .


Good good…were all proud of you…you can do it…what did you change your major to if you don’t mind me askin…

I went to neuroscience. I am more interested in it, and it is more efficient for my end goal of the dental path.
I also decided I didn’t want to become an engineer. I did get good grades in those classes but just found it wasn’t for me.


Sounds awesome…its always better if you enjoy the subject…I hope your having some fun mixed in with the hard work…its important to let your mind rest and enjoy life…

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Oh yeah I’ve made tons of friends in archery! I am even competing in the next month in a national competition!