I need a new series to watch, a few people before have said it’s a really good show but I need more opinions. Is it really a good show?
Does the show get less good as the seasons progress?, as I know there are 5 seasons…
It’s good. Have you seen Lost? It’s better.
Sneaky Pete on Amazon Prime.
So good!
I watched the series, it’s insanely good. And I’m not a big TV show watcher
I watched arrow 11 episodes was good but I am lack of interests to watch more . Jessica jones is good on Netflix . But I didn’t watched it . I don’t like braking bad
Breaking Bad is excellent. Loved every season!
The Wire is more gritty, but a great watch.
Boardwalk Empire was brilliant too.
Enjoyed Fargo for its quirkiness. Mr. Robot can be quite trippy but i love it for its anarchist principles.
GOThrones is fun. American Gods is good. Sneaky Pete was ok, I preferred Hand of God on amazon.
Breaking Bad and then Better call saul is worth the hype though.
Yeah I’ve watched Lost and really liked it for a while but it got really strange season 5 onwards…
Hi, just want to give my opinion. I’m watching “Money Heist”(la casa de papel in their original tittle) and it’s a theft on a coin house. It’s from last year and for me it has more action in the scenes, for me breaking bad was a little slow.
Besides that this show from last year only has 1 season so it’s easier to be updated .
Almost forget I hope you like spanish, this show it’s in spanish but it’s from netflix, it’s easy to understand them
The thing with Lost is that they wrote every season as it came, and so it just when off grid. It has no intertwined narrative, whereas Breaking Bad is sweet in its narrative and then followed by Better call saul you see even further into the complexity. It was mostly written beforehand and it shows!
Breaking Bad is a must watch! It’s excellent TV. It starts off a bit slow and gets better every season.
It’s amazing to the very end.
It… is… Awesome…
i love breaking bad i watched the whole thing and boy it was awesome so funny so nail biting and so omg!! brilliant show brian cranston is the best xx
our netflix dvd rental only had the first season of breaking bad…another good series is “the sopranos” again only one season on netflix…but you can buy the whole series all ten seasons of the sopranos for around $100 on amazon…we liked breaking bad as far as we watched.
We do not watch live tv but we watch recorded or bought series and films.
I have seen breaking bad.
Its great, yes thrill till the end. I like the fact that its been a while in the time and its became a classic.
Breaking bad was great to watch and stays good throughout.
Watched the whole box set when i was ill for a couple of weeks. Highly recommend it. Had me hooked throughout.
Looks like most people liked it I personally could not get into it the last series I watched was desperate housewives but I dunno if I have attention span for any series anymore or if I could watch more desperate housewives now that my attention span has plummeted
I thought it was incredible. Mr white yoooo