I’m not in to playing video games anymore, but I used to be very into video games. Has anybody played Grand Theft Auto for play station. That is one of my favorite games.
Yep. My second console was a PS1, and I had GTA, GTA II and GTA London.
A friend had the PS2 before me, and we played GTA III a lot over there.
I then pick up on Vice City when I got the PS2, then San Andreas.
GTA IV and V I believe by then I was an Xbox gamer.
I miss gaming. I did it for most of my life, but now I can’t concentrate on them long enough to achieve anything
I played GTA like 10 years ago.
“Pull-up on them like CJ from San Andreas”
Yeah I’ve played all GTA games (except 1 or 2), they are fun games.
I used to be good at video games as well. I remember getting to the 99th board on the game Galaga(spelling). It is the game with the space ship. It is a very old game.
In nba live 08 I was ranked top 15 in the world.
I actually figured out such a good strategy
I was something like 250-20 record on my first account until I made a new account
Went 70-0 until a game exited on me and gave me the loss even though I was up by 30 points.
Then I quit playing soon after that because I was pissed
That was on ps3 I think
Yeah, I remember when I was a kid I would cry if a lost a video game. I would also cuss the game out if I lost. I was really into it.
Anybody remember the original street fighter game for Nintendo? Also Mike Tyson Punch Out from the original Nintendo System? I liked those games.
Too difficult for me.
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