I’ve only recently been diagnosed because they said I suffer from schizophrenia… I was hoping to find a source of help because I knew I couldn’t be the only one dealing with the type of illness. I hope can learn more and maybe even encourage others to deal with it accordingly because I know first hand that suicide was always a option.
Glad you found this!!! It has really helped me feel normal in a way. It’s good to know that other sz people have similar experiences as me. Since you are newly diagnosed, keep a list of any side affects or feelings you are having with meds. Remember there are many different medications out there and some may work better for you than others. Talk with your doctor about them and ask questions on this site. The people on hear are great!!
Happy that you found this site. It keeps you from feeling lonely and it is very thearapudic(spelling).
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you. I appreciate it hella much. I’ve been reading post since yesterday and that’s when I knew I found what I was looking for. Shocking!! This illness almost took my life… But I’m blessed to still be here,
Hello @Tango_Ramos. Glad to hear from you.
Likewise, thank you
Welcome, I hope you get something out of being here. You can get help and support here and the people here are pretty cool. Maybe you can help and support us too and everybody wins!!
Welcome! Yes this website is great for information and just getting an idea of everyone’s experiences with this illness, medications etc. It will also help if you post and share your thoughts with others as well and support by posting. What medication are you on and how are you feeling nowadays?
hi Tango how are you doing?
I find this site really useful. It sucks why we are all here but everyone is generally supportive. Just don’t piss off the mods by talking about Suicide or Religion!
I’m okay I guess, I missed a appointment with my psych so my housing was cancelled thru probation so I’m out on the streets dealing with making the right decisions off my meds
Welcome to the site
I’m doing okay for now, I’m solid and strong mentally , the voices really try to encourage me to do the right thing but I’m so caught up in the fact that I actually hear voices that it makes it tough to focus on what’s right. But it’s ups and downs for me, just trying to stay alive and free, and hopefully learn more so I can do better in life.
you taking anything? do you see a doctor? lol
Yea, I’m prescribed medication and I see a doctor but I did a 14 year term so I’ve been on medication but I was never aware of the voices until I was released and I never thought medication was a big issue but obviously it is, right?
were you in prison? 14 yrs is a long time
Yea, from a young age so the way things go in the world are new to me
guess you have a lot of catching up to do, what was prison like?