Did you meet the girl you’re talking to yet? How long have you been talking?
No not yet we’ve been only talking it’s been a full week now I think. Seems like she’s a fairly busy woman . But she’s fairly quick at responding to texts and I definitely don’t wanna act controlling in any way. I saw myself having controlling thoughts, but I definitely have had acts of acceptance. Trying to show that trust thing to her I guess.
Maybe she’s trying to see how long the flame will burn. I’m not sure. Yesterday last night she went and saw some bumblebee movie with her kids at the beach and she showed me pics and said “this is what I’m doing and I’ll prove it to ya with pics”.
Then she texted me when she got home after 10 pm.
But by now I have a good idea how much I like the woman.
Like when I “sleep on the idea of someone” it really gives me a perspective whether I like them or not and I wake up each morning liking her more and more. And she doesn’t avoid any questions she’s honest and real with me. It’s gotta be a matter of time till she makes some real plans. Tomorrow’s a holiday but idk.
Im curious, im happy you seem to like this woman, i hope things go well for you two.
Thanks I’ll definitely let you guys know if I meet w/ her!
Very cool, @Jonnybegood! I hope you can meet her soon!
She has her kids every weekend in June but no weekends in July. I told her when the time is right or something and she was like awww but then I felt like I was being too lovey dovey or something. I’ve never met this girl. I got paranoid I said something wrong. I said “I’m just saying that I’m not playing you or anything”. And she said she was sorry that she wasn’t ignoring me and is just busy. I asked earlier if she wanted to get coffee tomorrow but she said no she’s busy.
She said she would meet me before June is over tho.
Nice! Sounds great!
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