Grade my North American geography

I’ve seen a few of these online so I thought I’d give it a try. You might have to open the image and zoom in.
I absolutely suck at geography. Like really really suck.
Don’t ask me to do South America or Africa.

How did I do?
I know I got four things right. Did I get any more?
Please don’t flame me. :fire: :confused: I know I suck.

Do I get an F or do I pass?


You missed labeling Texas North (Alberta).

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It’s there on the map! Was I close?

I know Alberta is a place in Canada because they mentioned it on Workin’ Moms. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You got Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California.

As for the rest, you did as well as I would on a European map.

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Oh wow I had no idea that was actually Arizona. I just figured Arizona is hot so it’s close to Mexico.

Well now I’ve learned where it is.

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You did well, Padawan.


Virginia and Ohio are further East

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It’s ok @anon9798425
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
My geography knowledge of Europe is horrible!

You didn’t do so bad!


It would be fun to see you try Europe! :grin:


@anon9798425 @Wave

Here try this


I would not do well on a USA map of states either and I’m from the USA


The map is too small for my phone :confused:
I did practice a lot once on Europe before I got bored with trying to learn geography so I should know a lot of the countries.

That is an old map of Canada. The “Northern Territories” are actually called the Northwest Territories and it was “cut in half” and a new territory called Nunavut was created.


Big fat F on Canada looooooooool


So what you’re saying is the old Northern Territories is on that map and I placed it correctly?

There were 2 territories. The “Yukon Territory” and the “Northwest Territory” but the “Northwest Territory” was divided up and a third territory called “Nunavut” was created.

I guess you could lump all three together and call them the “northern territories” as you have written but that isn’t their official names.

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Maybe Northern Territories is in Australia.
Which I should really know because my grandmother is Australian.

Did I place anything in Canada correctly? :joy:

You got Quebec right!

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Nice! :muscle: :sunglasses:


Looks like you did better than I would have done. Nice work!
You’ve got Alberta where Ottawa is, I think. (I’m in Ottawa)

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