So I got this awesome Jack Skellington hat.
very beautiful
Are you referring to me or the hat?
both u are very beautiful.
thank you
Cool hat!! Is it fitted or snapback? Just curious
so Cool?! and you look very beautiful =)
That’s an awesome hat!
Very cool Hat @ChildOfFate!
@MsBuddha Thank you
@Ninjastar and @Wave I know that’s why I got it. I love the movie ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ so I saw the hat (Which was the last one) and knew I had to get it.
It is good that you were able to find/get a cap that you like( such a hat is called cap)
You have the same glasses I do.
@Erez_Shmerling I call anything that goes on your head (except hair and skin and such) a hat. That’s just my dialect. I see that your dialect is different though.
@twinklstars Really!? What are the sides like?
Sparkly black and grey pattern. Banana Republic brand. I’m embracing my inner sexy librarian.
Oh my sides are different they have this like gold flower pattern. But the front’s are the same.
Well, you’re braver than me. I could never pull off wearing a hat.