Got a new hat!

So I got this awesome Jack Skellington hat.


very beautiful :slight_smile:

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Are you referring to me or the hat?

both u are very beautiful.:slight_smile:

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thank you

Cool hat!! Is it fitted or snapback? Just curious :slight_smile:

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so Cool?! and you look very beautiful =)

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That’s an awesome hat!


Very cool Hat @ChildOfFate! :slight_smile:

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@MsBuddha Thank you

@Ninjastar and @Wave I know that’s why I got it. I love the movie ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ so I saw the hat (Which was the last one) and knew I had to get it.


It is good that you were able to find/get a cap that you like( such a hat is called cap)

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You have the same glasses I do.

@Erez_Shmerling I call anything that goes on your head (except hair and skin and such) a hat. That’s just my dialect. I see that your dialect is different though.

@twinklstars Really!? What are the sides like?

Sparkly black and grey pattern. Banana Republic brand. I’m embracing my inner sexy librarian.

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Oh my sides are different they have this like gold flower pattern. But the front’s are the same.

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Well, you’re braver than me. I could never pull off wearing a hat.