Good night guys

Are u guys on the bed trying fall asleep…

I’m on my couch. I like to sleep here sometimes

were couch buddies…but over the internet… lol what time is it @far_cry0 ?

2 guys on a couch. Perfectly normal.

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lol sounds like a video title you would find on youpron… not helping I know…

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2 guys, a couch, and a picture of Hulk hogan

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why would skeletor wear a blonde wig and say that’s hot… ?

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some how that is better…

That’s actually Hulk Hogan’s 1st form

so…2 guys…ona couch…looking at a hulk Hogan picture… while being creepily eye fondled by skeletor in a blonde wig…reapeating that’s hot way too many times… and said skeletor is actually hulk Hogans original form?

could be worse what else you got…

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haha the shadow on skeletors neck make it look like a frog neck inflating and deflating … wait skeletors is a lady?

Jesus is watching.

@Samp …did you just skeletor bomb this thread then delete them all? lol well played…


I see that hasn’t changed


also it looks funny because I replied to your posts twice so your icon is next to my posts… but how does one reply to a person who hasn’t even posted in the thread… @Samp is actually hulk hogans 3rd form… there is no other possible options…

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Good night @far_cry0 :slight_smile:


lol the first time I noticed we had a direct dialog and I went to the bathroom and @Samp made it look like I was talking to myself…but this is a sz forum so I doubt anyone else noticed… @samp is a thread ninja…

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I’m going to go to bed too…after this sandwich


Its exactly 11:30am in the morning just had morning food .

10 hours in the future… did you sleep well?

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