Good morning! What are you up to?

It’s morning here in the Eastern US. I had coffee and a breakfast hot pocket. Didn’t sleep well, decided to get out of bed for good at 5 am. Been watching the news and the forum. I go to work today to sort some donated National Geographic magazines. The guy who donated said he forgot Playboys were mixed in!

What are you doing?

If those Playboy mags are old, they may be worth some coin to a collector.

Just sayin…

That’s what I told my boss!

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I just got back from a walk and now I’m having a coffee and playing my switch. It’s afternoon here.

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We got my son a switch with taxes and he carries it everywhere

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I slept lots, woke up a few times though, shoulders were in pain (torn tendons) Having tea atm, debating if I should work today, snow and cold here

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It’s chilly here, too. A little snow to the North of us. Glad there is none here but we can see snow up to and even in May.

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I’m about to go to sleep in a few mins lol.

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What time is it where you are?

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9:30 AM @anon4362788

Oh, so you sleep in the day? My husband and I used to sleep all day and stay up all night before we had kids. We were table top gamers and gamed a LOT

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noice :smile: :ok_hand: :mask:

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