Good morning. I’m going to go to a bunch of yard sales with my sister early this morning. Then I guess she needs to go to the hardware store and grocery shopping. Then we were hoping to have a visit with the grandbabies over at my sister’s new house. That will be all I have the energy for. What about you, do you have any plans?
I’m on the bus home from work at the moment, I’m gonna take a walk with the roomie after I’ve unloaded my bag and grabbed a jacket
No plans and that’s ok for me. It’s Saturday though and I hope my folks get out; I like it when they go, BUT I also admit, I like it too when they come back…
But more interesting of a thing for me is that I like when they read books, take a nap, or go for a date night out, or there local exercise classes; bc it all shows me THEY are unfazed and UNWORRIED about my inner stuff. they function, they don’t miss beats, it tells me I can relax too.
Having a relaxing morning this morning. Decided to ditch my Saturday class and just relax off my foot as much as possible. Supposed to be a scorcher today, so I’m inside with the air.
what did you do to your foot?
I broke my ankle two weeks ago.
Oh, I’m sorry about that. I hope you heal quickly.
Thanks. This is the second time I have broken it so I am going to mind the doctor more this time around.
I think that sounds like a fine idea.
LoL the best one I have had in a while. LoL
lol. It’s funny how pain can bring clarity.
True. Good luck finding the deals while you are out there today .
Thank you. I’m honestly just going for my sister to find things for the house she just bought. I don’t really need anything. But if I find anything for my glass collection it won’t hurt my feelings.
I used to like taking my daughter that was during the beanie baby rage of the 90’s. Haven’t been since.
We used to go back before I had kids, but once the kids came along it was too hard to take them, they didn’t want to be in the car all morning.
Well at 55 I don’t want to be in the car now. LoL
right! we’re going super early to beat the heat. And I’m actually not looking forward to it all that much. But my sister did say something about Starbucks so that’s some incentive.
I understand I can be bribed with Duncan Donuts to move people’s stuff.
Wow, I’ll keep that in mind if I ever move lol
Spending the day in my nightwear, cleaning and accounting
Living the dream …