Good morning and I have a doctor's appointment

In about an hour I meet with my family physicians I have swollen hands and swollen ankles bruises on my belly from injections urinary tract infection has to say I’m not a happy camper I’ve done my blood test do my sugar levels have been a screaming hi this last two weeks I hope they have the answers cuz I do not anyway, you would like to know just thought I’d tell you


Good luck @DrZen

I hope they can help you

Let us know how it went


Hope you get it sorted out asap
Take care x


Yikes. Hopefully they’ll have solutions for you DrZen.

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Hopefully it all works out and quickly

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Hope all goes well for you!

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Good luck Dr Zen. I hope the appointment goes well. I’m sorry you are going through all these problems. If they can sort what’s going on and get you squared away that would be wonderful.

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Hope it goes good

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How did it go @DrZen?

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I’m wondering too. How did it go?

Are you okay @DrZen ?

Take care of yourself.


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