Gona look for sauerkraut next time I'm at the store

Benefits of Lactic Acid:

  1. Provides enzymes
  2. Good for blood sugar
  3. Supports PH balance
  4. Helps digestion of foods
  5. Supports flora
  6. Immune support
  7. Supports leaky gut
  8. Helps metabolism
  9. Decreases unhealthy bacteria
  10. Improves mood

Foods with Lactic Acid:

  1. Kimchi
  2. Pickles
  3. Sauerkraut

I think the most healthiest sauerkraut is the cold kind. I’m not exactly sure where it is in the grocery store I go to. I guess I should ask someone next time I go.

I love almost anything pickled

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You might try some kombucha. Sauerkraut is pretty hard to stomach, unless it’s cooked or put on some sandwich meat.

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Will keep an eye out for that. So kombucha is a kind of tea with good bacteria?

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They have a refrigerated section in the aisles for pickles and olives… they have the bags there, but I don’t know any more about it sorry.

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Thanks @JustTrish that narrows it down.

Yeah, it doesn’t taste too great either. But they have some with flavorings and stevia sweetened. I get it at meijer or kroger probably once a week.

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Try it with fresh cracked pepper. I used to have polish sausage and sauerkraut. Just make sure to brush teeth after eating. It can ruin your teeth.


Yea I’m a big fan of sauerkraut on sausage or any type of brat. Will keep my dental hygiene in mind thanks.


Oh I make a mean sweet kraut to put on reuben sandwiches…yummmmm…

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Sauerkraut is great in a pastrami sandwich.

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