Goat simulator

So I accidentally became baboska dolphin…a smaller one jumps out of you until your tiny…I was looking for 2 cats to lick…ha…so I can make the worlds largest cat sausage…what mad genius came up with this insane game…I will post a video later me and the little one are playing split screen…he keeps running me over and laughing as I rag doll through the air…this could be the greatest stupid game of all time…

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Yes, post a video of it, it should be a laugh. :smile:

A trailer I remember watching…

It’s…uh… yeah.

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I originally read the post subject as “goat STIMULATOR”. And now I have to clean coffee off my tablet.

Well, played, sir.



I wish I could record his commentary…he is hilarious…he said eh daddy watch this it be cooool…I looked over at his screen…he had stolen a big rig but his wheelchair was at maximum height so his body was above the truck and he was headed full speed at me…I had enough time to jump…but he was too close and it was too tall…he laughed like a madman as I ragdoll glitched into the back end of his truck…my dolphin ass was sticking out and I was stuck…lol

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Lol I don’t think the goat stimulator game is very kid friendly…so I play that one when he’s asleep…I like how you read goat stimulator but still clicked the thread lol…

Oh its a dumb game…no doubt about it…but for all the laughs it was well worth its small price tag…

Oh I definitely think its funny haha.

At least the trailer demonstrates that.

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Ah the little one switched to Netflix while I was smoking so the video is now lost…I should a hit record before I went…

Enquiring minds want to know.


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I know we both share the same oppinion on popular YouTube gamers…but everhopeful posted a vid of jacksepticeye playing as the dolphin…and I can’t lie I was laughing with my 2 year old at the video…