I’ve been reading about the Zika virus spread by mosquitos - and the birth defects in children.
Then looking on here at all of the Aquarian birthdays, myself included, and I thought when are the gnats bad here - around May and then again in September - OK so MAY - plus 9 months equals JANUARY AND THE SIGN OF AQUARIUS - could the gnats be carrying a virus?
Oh, it’s pretty clear that Winter births suggest schizophrenia. From an astrologer’s point of view, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces all suggest “Fate” by the rulers Saturn and Neptune.
Australia and New Zealand? Where’s the concentration of schizophrenics in the South of the Equator groups?
Here in the UK we get the gnats in May then again in September - so maybe the southern hemisphere get them twice a year too - which might either way work out to January and February births again?
This is not a global truth… even if it held up in your case… it would fail to be a universal truth… as it would seem the gnats come about during the transitional phases of the seasons…
For you latitude… there my be some correlation in your hemisphere… but even climatic influences probably sway this beyond coastal regions…
but to summarize… yes the goddess that lives on the planet venus has fated your gnats with and illness much as she has fated the aquarians to having schizophrenia… (JK)
but to summarize… yes the goddess that lives on the planet venus has fated your gnats with and illness much as she has fated the aquarians to having schizophrenia… (JK)
I don’t know if it’s intentional but you’re really FOOKING PATRONIZING!
…I was born in april, but was conceived in July so yeah And as I learn about it, my bio dads family has a long history of mental illness, in fact he was he first of his family to die of anything other than suicide in 15 generations…and he died of cancer ( which was caused by a faulty gene from his mother who is not part of the family of suicide)
But also, every schizophrenic I talk to in my group was born between april and august…
What I’m saying is not actually that far fetched. There has to be a reason why there are groups of people born in certain sections of the year who all go on to develop schizophrenia.
Not so long ago people assumed colds and flu came in the wintertime because of the damp and the cold - it was fairly recently discovered that the cold and flu viruses are spread across the world - at the same time each year - by migrating birds.
Now I know you could say if gnats - or any other insect that bites - had a virus then everyone would be schizophrenic - but if only a small percentage carried a virus - and only a small percentage of the population are in the first trimester of pregnancy - then it would account for 1/100 being affected.
what would make your theory more plausible would be 'Genetic Virus theory" that some researchers belive is the cause of all chronic illness, including cancer. The theory is that our DNA contains partial codes to certain Viruses, and that when a certain virus is introduced to a person with that missing chunk of code, the virus alters the DNA in some areas of the body. Kind of like having a crap load of pure sodium. perfectly harmless on its own, add water and BOOM!
I saw something about viruses being laid down in our DNA - the main illness they were talking about was Multiple Sclerosis. From what I could make of it - you catch a virus - and you pass it on in your DNA to future generations.
Similar but different, the Genetic Virus theory, if true, would mean that the unknown 15% of our DNA is all chunks of virus code waiting to make us sick. Some studies on the DNA of people with chronic illness have shown malformations of certain Genes after being exosed to everday viruses. Its’ believed that the reason Spanish flu was so deadly was because it latched onto parts of the DNA code and used that piece of code to mutate into something so much worse than the flu.
But that would still not account for this seasonal percentage of people with schizophrenia - unless there is a virus about at a certain time of the year that acts as the water to the sodium we already carry?
My bio father was only 27, and I got the SZ from his side. There is also a report that says SZ is passed only from mother to child, that makes no sense since a lot of the time it is passed from the father when the mother has no family history of it. My personal opinion is that SZ if a hold over from when we lived in caves, a constant state of paranoia would have helped our ancestors survive, and the voices are a mutation to the gene that causes the paranoia. Even the visual hallucinations would make sense, since our brain is so much more active than any other animal’s.
An animal has so many instincts - where does it get them from? - maybe in a primitive life we all had a “voice” in whatever form, that was key to our basic survival.