Frustrating tickly itchy feelings

Anyone have an idea why i might be regularly feeling little tickling/itchy feelings all over my body? I’ll feel it on a random spot and have to rub or scratch the spot and it goes away. But it keeps happening all over. So annoying! Driving me mad! Im making a gp appointment to ask about it, but probably wont be able to see one for a week or two. Its been going for a while now but im starting to be concerned about it and it makes it difficult to relax.

You should go to the doctors could be scabies

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How are your bowels doing? Did you have to go in? :zebra::zebra::zebra:

Yeah i did. They had me on morphine. The occupational therapist had me walking around the room. Im healing quiet well, but im on morphine.

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Glad you got some help. It is a serious thing :whale::whale::whale:

Maybe take a benadryl

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@Rainstorm i just searched up what that is. Yeah my home is pretty damn messy at the moment. Lot of dust and everything. Im not used to living in such an unclean environment. Maybe i am reacting to that. Hopefully it stops after i clean the hell out of this place. Thanks.

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