Frontal-striatal connectivity and positive symptoms of schizophrenia

We interpret that an increase in striatal dopaminergic tone that underlies positive symptoms is likely associated with increased prefrontal inhibitory tone, strengthening the frontostriatal ‘brake’. Furthermore, based on our model, we propose that lessening of positive symptoms could be achieved by means of continuous theta-burst or low-frequency (1 Hz) rTMS of the prefrontal area.


1-There is no self-defect in the agent that controls the rhythm of transmitter excretion
2-There is no defect in the transmitter itself

3- The basis of the problematic,is the presence of independent emitter (non-autogenous)
that acts as a maker of interfered pulses ,and acts as an independent recipient immediately after the original receptors receive the cognitive signals and understanding its content ,then the interfered factor repeats the cognitive message phonetically,modifies its concept content and then resend it in multiple directions

4-the stages of this process takes 3-6 second (less / more depending on many circumstances
5- The successive steps of this process create a cacophony /disorder in the natural rhythm of the transmitters excretion / successive,because it forms an interference (interception) process for the natural path of the electrochemical signals between brain cells And it takes a new internal pathways
6-There is nothing in the biological defense that can block the pathway of the interference destructive signals of the parasitical emitter after it occurs,except for a person’s self -intervention