Freedom from schizophrenia? Raloxifene

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Its good to know that next generation for drugs (Ralozifene and ITI007) handles positive and negative both with fewer side effects.

The whole premiss behind raloxifene is faulty. This is not the drug we need.

Edit: whats up with CBD that was supposed to be a wonder drug. Almost a cure.

Resistance to new drugs is not new … at first.

Not much, 4 visits to the hospital with a compensation of 80EUR total (that’s something like 100/110USD) and compensation for my travel costs.

I’m excited about ITI-007 but there’s no development status for the EU. If it gets approved in the US and they decide to apply for a NDA in Europe, it’ll take another 3-4 years before it’s marketed in Europe. Here we’re still waiting for the 2nd quarter of this year before Cariprazine hits the markt. Rexulti will follow, though also (delayed) with a half or year.

I don’t know but I’m excited about Raloxifene, you never know, maybe I’m one of those sub-groups that will benefit (greatly) from it. Just like the last time I did from chemical (Sarcosine) back in 2010.

I think the problem with CBD is that it will not bring much money to big pharmaceutical companies, therefore they’re not much interested I’m guessing. Once private individuals and/or company’s know how to distract high amounts of CBD from weed strain cheaply, I think a sub-group of schizophrenics might benefit from it. If it’s not for schizophrenia, then it’ll maybe aid people with anxiety and depression.

Well, 4th day on “Raloxifene”, though, I’m almost positive I’ve got placebo. No effects, positive, negative or side-effects. On top of that, I bit off a piece to see what it tastes like. (I don’t how it supposed to taste like) but it did not taste metallic or chemical either, it just tasted like chalk (which for me points towards placebo).

I will keep taking it but by the end of this month I’m going to purchase Raloxifene and run my own “study” because I’m not planning to waste 3 months on “chalk”.

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hi @YoungSchizo,

What was your experience with Sarcosine? Would you mind sharing it?
Has it shown to be more effective than placebo?

Taking Sarcosine was the greatest thing I had taken back in 2010. Within a couple of days (1 week) it improved my negatives by 30/40% (which was a big change). Especially motivation, anhedonia, being more social and it made me talkative.
More important it decreased disturbing thoughts (thoughts I lived with for 6 years and could not identify myself with) by 90% and I had a symptom where it felt like I had no control over one part of my body, this decreased also for 90%.
The improvement’s on cognitive symptoms were more subtle, this kept improving over many months but only for 20%.

One year after taking Sarcosine I forgot to take it for a month, all my disappeared symptoms came back and I almost came into a crises where I wanted to admit myself. Then one day I remembered that I needed Sarcosine. I started taking it again and again all my disappeared within a week again.

After that I never forgot it take it and took it for 5-6 years straight. Later, whilst switching to Latuda, I forgot to take Sarcosine again but now we’re 2-3 years later and I don’t need it anymore and my disabling symptoms never returned. Once in a while I have disturbing thoughts, than I take 1g, which positive effects lasts for weeks.


That is really good. Sounds promising. Glad it worked for you. Thank you for sharing.

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Aside from its use in mitigating Estrogen, Raloxifene has demonstrated considerable use as an endogenous Testosterone stimulating compound, as studies have demonstrated an increase of serum Testosterone levels by 20% from 120mg of Raloxifene per day[4].

Maybe this is why Raloxifene has positive effects on attention and memory?
Raloxifene is also quite effectively used to combat gyno (manboobs). Maybe it lowers prolactin and stimulates dopamine in some parts of the brain?


Today I got the result of the 3 months double-blind 120 Raloxifene/Placebo study I was in. As I suspected, I had the real drug.

For me personally it only tackled depressive symptoms in a mildly/medium manner, though it tackled suicidal ideation very effectively (so it basically also improved my quality of life).

Bloodwork study week 1:

Bloodwork study week 12:

I cheated a bit because the “enormous” changes in my Hormone-content already gave it a little away that I had the real drug.
Prolactin decrease
Testosterone increase
Estrogen increase

Unfortunately I didn’t noticed any improvement on positive, negative and cognitive symptoms but my advice to others would be to discuss it with your doc, it might very well help others more effectively on certain symptoms than it did for me (I’m not a professional but my guess women would benefit more from it on especially positive and cognitive symptoms).

The study I was in runs till the end of 2020, however here is a meta-analyses of all the completed study’s so far.

Antipsychotics + Raloxifene augmentation conclusion (so far): it could be quite effective for patients that responds to it.