Forum based delusions?

Thank goodness I don’t have any delusions about this forum. I only get teed off when I get kicked out of the forum.

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It sounds like maybe this forum is becoming sort of unhealthy for you. Have you considered maybe taking a break? Many of us on here have done it, including myself.

god i relate to all of this so much

Ehh, I actually think it’s been really helpful. These things are in my mind, but I’m able to shake them off and tell myself it’s ridiculous.

I just like sharing delusions on here because I feel the more I talk about it the more ridiculous it seems and the less likely I am to believe it. If I just think about it without mentioning it, I feel like the belief grows stronger.

Either way, this forum is helpful for me to learn more about coping and dealing with life with illness. If I felt it was becoming detrimental to my health I would of course take a break.


I guess as it is a forum for those with psychotic disorders there is bound to be paranoia afoot around different things lol.

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Yup I know one past and one current member don’t like me and I suspect most people don’t like me.

I suspect that most people do like you, @anon84763962. You strike me as a good person, that’s why I like to converse with you. :slightly_smiling_face: Forget those a-holes at your job.


Unfortunately I also worry about certain users on here I feel like some people on here hate me and want me to disappear and/or die.

Ha, wondering if people are PM’ing each other and gossiping about me. I am that important.

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