Fortnite player banned for life over aimbot cheat


This guys crying over a video game lol


My little brother plays Fortnite and whenever he’s playing online and it seems like when someone on his team is cheating, he exits the match because you can get penalized for an ally’s cheating even if you’re not cheating yourself, and if you report them and they turn out not to be cheating, you can get in trouble over that too lol.

My nurse told me her son broke the tv over fortnite. Because he died…fair…???

Banned for life just means you need a vpn or change your isp or, or, or.

Makes sense. He was making money off cheating at the game. Not all online communities are as forgiving as this one.

I would be surprised if he was the only one doing that. If you add a financial incentive to something like that greed will warp some people’s sense of right and wrong .


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