Food prices just keep rising

Just got back from the grocery store a bit agoā€” a dozen organic free range eggs from a brand called Pete & Gerry now cost $11.69ā€¦

Needless to say, I didnā€™t buy that kind :sweat_smile:



Has this higher inflation caused more mental health issues? I have noticed that I am more selective what I buy at the grocery stores. I have read that people may have more health issues, even suicidal thoughts have increased when people can not pay all their bills and when there are more financial problems. Personally I have not noticed that my stress levels have increased, but I understand that families who have children may have more stress which leads to psychological problems. What do you think?

Because food prices are so high, people are doing more food shoplifting ā€¦

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UK Inflation: Food and drink prices are rising at fastest pace in 45 years

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I had to buy more cat food last night - discovered that the tinned food had doubled in price in just a month and that all the cheap brands my cat likes had sold out. I bought a couple of cans of the expensive stuff and went home to check Amazon. They still had the food she likes in stock and it was affordable - even cheaper than what I had been paying at Walmart. Six months worth will arrive on Monday.


We have a serious cat food shortage here. Itā€™s tough because I have 8. They need to eat but it is hard having enough


Mine is almost 19, missing teeth, and dependent on soft food. It also has to be the right soft food. Basically, she refuses to eat anything that isnā€™t chicken pate. Even chicken shreds and chunks get ignored. I really need to kick the person who re-homed her to me. Ugh.


Cat litter has become more expensive here, I discussed with one cashier and she told that the basic cat litter has gone up from 5ā‚¬ to 7.5ā‚¬, so it is now 50% more expensive.


I checked some UK numbers. Energy inflation is still 50 % and food inflation 17 %, it is no wonder why so many people go to the food banks in the UK. Inflation is just so high.

In Italy they have 40 % energy inflation and 15% food inflation.

In the USA energy inflation is 8% and food inflation is 12%.

In Germany energy inflation is 24% and food inflation is 20%.

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I think that for the last 12 hours, Iā€™ve eaten many plain bagels with vegetable-oil butter, 1 can of coffee, and possibly nothing else except water.

Except for the coffee, some people may call that a bread and water diet, but I think that I find it sufficient and inexpensive for myself 1 or 2 days per week, sometimes.

I still feel grateful for the bread, though.

And, you are right, it is going up in price. I think food production is harder to increase quickly than oil extraction.


It takes an entire year to make up for a poor or non-existent harvest. Less food to go around to the same number of customers, so the price gets bid up. And thatā€™s without that bloody war in Ukraine that is screwing things up.

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I like this way ā€¦ 16. Watch for Expiration Discounts