What’s your favorite color to wear?
Don’t remember if this was posted already…
My favorite color to wear recently has been greenđź’š
What’s your favorite color to wear?
Don’t remember if this was posted already…
My favorite color to wear recently has been greenđź’š
For the most part, I wear all black. Or a black top and jeans (not often), or a black top, and weird print leggings (it’s hot here in S. FL, and sometimes leggings and a top are all you can wear, which sucks… I miss wearing jeans and boots).
I’m very sensitive to color – it’s very intense for me, and it’s just easier on my brain if I wear all black.
Dark purple. All day every day.
It’s a royal color. Maybe that why I’ve been called a princess a few times.
Green or black.
Black jeans and a blue shirt.
I have this really nice black shirt dress that goes down to my lower legs nearly to my feet.
I’m gonna wear that as I have new shoes that go with it
And plus I’ve never worn it yet.
Black is slimming
I like Grey’s. Sometimes I wear all grey. Grey sock grey pants grey sweat grey hat
I would wear nothing but pink if i could. Its my favorite color. I wear mostly black leggings though, its just easier and they go with everything, lol.
I got lots of blue clothing.
Greys are more comfortable though. Sweat pants and shirt tend to be that color.
Ochre I think
Used to be “any color, as long as it’s black”, but recent years I’ve been trying to break that. So: olive drab, Sriracha red, sand on and on. Footwear still black black black
That’s me! Black and some leopard print. And I have one pair of leggings that looks like a galaxy.
I like earthy colors like green or brown colored shirts.
In public:
Black tees with blue jeans or black shorts.
At home:
White t-shirt with whatever color shorts are clean.
I love red, red, red. The only trouble I have is finding the right shade of red to suit my pale skin tone. There are just so many red shades.
I like black for the lower half to hide the bulges.
Does grey count. I likr brown and blue jeans as well.
Black jeans and hoodie or jacket with different colored shirts.
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