Fast food ...take away

do you like fast food? i have a burger, chips, and fried chicken on the way, a delivery


Might be old age, but preferring the stuff I cook these days in that area. Apart from having a better idea on what’s in it. Seems to taste a whole lot better making it all fresh. I can also substitute like baked for fried etc to limit calories. Does seem to cut the craving for take out doing it all that way. So I can have my cake and eat it too.


I actually really would like some spicy squid right now. That isn’t exactly healthy.

I only eat junk food. either fast food from take out or tv dinners. I think my blood lipids are increasing, according to my last blood test, but I don’t care if it causes me to die young.

Can’t say I ever really enjoyed eating fast food that much.
I know I was asked by an insurance company in 2012 to guesstimate my fast food intake for the year prior, and without hesitation I replied twice.
He said twice a week isn’t bad, but I corrected him that it was twice the entire year.
He didn’t really believe me.

I very rarely order delivery any more.

McDonalds sustains me at times. I don’t really eat out beyond that. Simple groceries.

Right now it’s chicken tenders and orange juice.

I remember many years ago - I think in the eighties - the Wall Street experts was saying the fast food niche in the market was over exploited, and there was going to be a shake out in the fast food industry. The shake out never materialized, and I think a few new fast food operations have gotten started since then - I think Subway, Chick-fil-e, and Poppa John’s Pizza, to name a few. Those outfits are doing great. It just goes to show you that the experts don’t always know what they’re talking about.