Farting is normal

Did you ever take a picture of your shite? That’s weird, I heard of people doing that

For me it was while having the depot

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We should harvest the gas for renewable energy.


i laughed really hard when i saw this


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I don’t have a problem with farts in general, they are normal and natural and necessary, I just don’t like people farting around me, I don’t want to inhale someone else’s waste product, smelly ones make it even worse.

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I find it absoloutly disgusting as well, but my own farts that’s another thing entirely. Il happily spend a Friday night basking in the ambience of my own farts. Il put my legs behind my head and waff the smell into my nose

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It’s interesting how we like our own fart smells but not others.

Same goes for squeezing spots.


I was a Muslim for a year too.

I prayed five times a day, ate halal , fasted Ramadan, wore hijab etc

I remember wudhu after farting or having to fart while praying.

How would farting infront of your husband be embarrassing then?
It’s made out to be such a bad thing and such a big deal.

I’m always uncomfortable farting with a new partner.

My boyfriend has heard me fart now.
Ha ha ha ha

Glad I don’t do wudhu after farting anymore.


I foretell that a fart will cause a space war in 2205.

Filters will not be advanced by then. Believe me.



Here’s a neat trick. Late at night, if you’re having trouble staying warm under the covers, make sure you’re tucked in tight and start farting. Make sure to keep the fart trapped under the blanket. This will keep you warm. Just don’t open the blanket or you’ll have to smell it! :open_mouth:

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Vegetarians are the worst passers of gas.

I dated one once…when I went ‘down there’ on her, she nearly farted my goatee off!


Just think how many people could be farting at the same time in a big condo building :smile:

if the whole world farted at once I wonder what could happen :smiley:


As a vegetarian, can confirm. Mr. Star and I had to swear off that activity entirely because nothing but greens makes things…taste different.

Side note but I worry that when the pandemic ends I will forget entirely how to hold it in when I’m in public again. I never bother around my family.


I eat a lot of cabbage and boiled eggs. People like it when I’m normal elsewhere.

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Ahem! Was this intended for @shutterbug ?

I’m not judging your eyesight but just saying that glasses can be a good thing.


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We need Pepe Le Pew to cast the deciding vote here.

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Does anybody smell their shites as well?

I catalog my shites to make sure their healthy. My dad died from bowel, brain and lung cancer

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Mozart was always making jokes about ass and ■■■■ and farts. Scatological Humour and obsession. He also wrote a song “lick me in arse”


Sounds like a ■■■■ fetishist if you ask me, I have been taking very smudgy shites this past while

Sometimes the big ones won’t go down and you just have to get the plunger