I tried Fear,Anger and Joy at https://www.testmybrain.org/
So it seems I’m not good at deciding which faces are happier.
I’m not good at reading emotions on faces at all. And it stresses me out.
I was diagnosed w/ paranoid sz a long time ago, but I get manic, and depressed so I don’t know what my diagnosis is. Any ways, this happens to me a lot, I read people wrong. Two days ago I was having an episode and a guy that was working on the house that I was I was house sitting for, just started talking to me and his look looked crazed like he was going to attack me, and I thought he was going to purposely mess up what he was doing to the house because he had connections with a man that owns so many buildings in my city, and that man isn’t liked by my family. I thought he figured that out, then he started talking about the FBI, and I was getting really creeped out. I didn’t know how to handle this man. I think it was paranoid sz acting up.