Extrovert,Ambivert or introvert?

Which one do you think yourself is?What people around you think you are?

I think I am a Ambivert,I was a Introvert last time but I have changed a little,closer to introvert though

My family thinks I am a introvert though,my friends thinks I am a Ambivert


my family thinks im an extrovert but i feel more like an intro/extro

i cant be around socialising too long, i just get uncomfortable and want to retreat.

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I’m Dave, undefined by your social descriptions! Nobody puts Dave in a box!


I’m both. I am a deep thinker and am pretty quiet most of the time. Inner thinking abstaining from reliving the memories of my psychotic violence imagined while ill. My mind is a ping pong table. so I don’t talk much.

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When I feel well I’m extrovert. But when I’m not feeling well I’m introvert


Not sure
Would need someone else to work this out

I’m very extroverted. I get bored very easily and I crave the company of like-minded individuals. I get crazier the longer I go solo.

This site helps me stay sane- I talk with plenty of people I can relate to and actually understand.

My friends in real life are pretty solid but can be flippant and do crap like not answer for days or show up an entire hour late or cancel at the last minute.

My mind unravels when I am left alone with nothing to do. I often study to excess, for example I will read for a class that just works from info given in class, I make study guides on word documents outlining entire books and then print them and memorize them, I am currently outlining a history of psych book despite having taken the class two years ago and making an A+ in it…

When I don’t feel quite sharp enough to study like I’m insane, I get on here and speak freely. For example, I just took my meds and they haven’t kicked in, this happens every morning. I don’t feel up to studying so I charge my phone and spend time on here, which is mental stimulation but not exactly demanding.

In like half an hour the crap will all kick in and I will be reading ahead for a class that doesn’t even use the book.

Then I will probably go outline another chapter of the history of psych book.

Then I will walk around the house chewing gum and avoiding mirrors. I lose it when I step out of the shower every night and see myself or when I shave every other morning.

Unless a friend wants to go get a drink or something, that will spare me some hard times.

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If I had to label myself, I would say Ambivert

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I can get up in front of a group and tell a joke… make a presentation… I can say hi to strangers and hold doors open for people… I can now B.S. in a line at the deli.

But too many people… like a party… personal conversations… questions… being watched for a reply… can’t take it.

I only have very few real friends I feel comfortable with… find myself literally exhausted if I try to go out to dinner with a group… go see a group of people… go hang out… it’s a huge thing for me and I can’t do it much.

So I guess I’m an Ambivert… didn’t even know there was such a thing… learn something new…

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Don’t know what an ambivert is but I’m an introvert.

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ambivert also i think. if i am not on meds i can be extravert per moments but sometimes i am the opposite :slight_smile:

I’ve always been a very introverted person. I became much more social and got energised from social interaction and lost my shyness only when I took this “natural” herbal substance(liquid) called Ginkgo Biloba who was recommended to me by my taekwondo club’s doctor. When I stopped taking it I became very introverted again. I can’t tell for sure if or how my personality changed during the psychosis… (it’s been years since then) but after the psychosis/symptoms ended/stopped, I got tested again and I got the same results: INTJ-A personality type (100% introverted, 72% intuitive, 100% thinker, 100% judger and 82% assertive…)

I am introvert. I’ve never heard of ambivert…

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Ambivert means about 50% introverted and 50% extroverted.

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me am introvert

I guessed so. but it doesn’t make sense. to me either you are introvert or extrovert.

Usually, people have characteristics from both introversion and extroversion. Your main characteristics makes you introverted or extroverted… it’s very rare to have characteristics only from introversion or extroversion.

I took that 16 personalities test and it said I’m 100% introvert. Sounds legit to me

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I went from extrovert to introvert after developing sz :confused:


Cecilia McGough once said that introverts can become a leader. I believe that.