I felt awful last night and this morning and I thought back to someone on another group that said haldol can cause these negative symptoms so I didn’t take my haldol today to see if my “depression” lifts. Didn’t take tonight either. Mood lifted in day but now I’m feeling awful again. All the better to experiment with skipping haldol to see if I feel better. If I don’t, I’ll take it again. Easy does it…
I don’t know if it is a wise idea to constantly go on and off your AP. Is that your only Ap or is it just a PRN?
Sorry to hear Earthchild,
Its a constant search, never give up.
I take amisulpride as well (150mg). The haloperidol is 4,5mg.
I hope everything works out EarthChild. I hope you feel better.
If I were you, I’d do it with my pdocs help and guidance
My pdoc is away this month on leave and there’s no one else to stand in for her and my next appointment is only mid November. I was very unhappy about this. Feel like I’m floundering
She should have backup. It’s really unprofessional that she doesn’t
I asked what must I do if I need help so she said I can contact Outpatients for emergency assessment which could take a few days. But this isn’t emergency
I’m so terrified I’m a liar. I mustn’t go make up symptoms of psychosis now and lie like I used to
I’m awake at 01:30 now and it’s like old times. Feel better mood wise.
I don’t think you’re lying. I think you really experience things and then when it goes away you go into denial. It seems to me lots of people do that
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