Evidence That Computerized Cognitive Training Works

Some good news:

Many people use computerized cognitive training, with the hopes of preventing mental decline or improving mental performance. But do these brain training games actually work?

A recent article by Harvey and colleagues, in press in Biological Psychiatry , evaluates the effects of cognitive training in schizophrenia and healthy aging, concluding that computerized cognitive training (CCT) does work.

Full Story Here:


Its has to be cheap…!!! And should be cheap and easily available all over the globe…!!!


I read the review paper written in 2016 before and concluded that it doesn’t have effects on Sz, but thanks. I don’t know which one have more validity, but I think it is effective more for old people losing their cognitive ability. I hope there would be more pratical methods to cure sz rather than games on the background of neuroplasticity hypothesis. :smiley_cat:

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This one bucks the trend with most scientists saying sites like cognifit etc don’t improve cognition.

It has been working for me for years. I do at least half an hour per day.


Never worked for me,my scores bounced up and down like a yo-yo . As with all these things even if generally useless they’ll work for some people. Same thing goes for medication.

I think part of the reason for the mixed results is that different kinds of training are being tried and they aren’t all effective.

So if you’re going to do one, might as well do one that’s been proven in sz.

ill stick to video games and poker thanks

It doesn’t hurt.

TVO The Agenda with Steve Paikin - ‘The Smarter Brain’.

One hour discussion of research into increasing brain power.

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do you know whats even better than that? real games with real people you can play without a computer, i was playing cards yesterday in our brain training group while others played dominoes and chess and warhammer, its great fun for all :wink:

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Other people… Ick. Only game I play IRL is Cribbage at the senior’s club here in town. They do it right, all kicking ass, convos are minimized. I can’t do it often – large groups mess my symptoms.

Anything that involves Jordan Peterson who’s an intellectual pygmy is a turn off for me.

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Jordan Peterson…

(He autographed my copy of his book!)

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I used to play cribbage with my dad. I haven’t played for years.

i played rummy with a guy the other day, idk what cribbage is lol

It’s quite enjoyable to watch Mike Merzenich make minced meat of Peterson in the video.:slight_smile:

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What did he say? It is a long video. :sweat_smile:

Basically that the brain games can have dramatic effects and that www.brainhq.com is the state of the art in training.

Okay I’m actually doing the game! He is the founder of brainhq. I just was wondering what he said to him. Lol