September 10, 2015, 1:05pm
We found multiple published studies and metaanalyses that give evidence that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation can have benefit in relieving positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, particularly auditory hallucinations.
JC Cole, C Green Bernacki, A Helmer, N Pinninti and JP O'reardon,
Innovations in clinical neuroscience , Jul-Aug 2015
We reviewed the literature on transcranial magnetic stimulation and its uses and efficacy in schizophrenia. Multiple sources were examined on transcranial magnetic stimulation efficacy in relieving positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Literature review was conducted via Ovid Medline and PubMed databases. We found multiple published studies and metaanalyses that give evidence that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation can have benefit in relieving positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, particularly auditory hallucinations. These findings should encourage the psychiatric community to expand research into other applications for which transcranial magnetic stimulation may be used to treat patients with psychiatric disability.
More info:
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a method in which a changing magnetic field is used to cause electric current to flow in a small region of the brain via electromagnetic induction. During a TMS procedure, a magnetic field generator, or "coil", is placed near the head of the person receiving the treatment.:3 The coil is connected to a pulse generator, or stimulator, that delivers a changing electric current to the coil. TMS is used diagnostically to measure the connection between the bra...
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I want to get this. I think it’s only covered for depression for me.
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Sounds good.
Now-if I could just get a hospital to admit my son…
Keep beating on your insurer. A few of the big ones have already broadened their coverage to include TMS for sz because they’re betting it’s going to save them $$$ in the long run.
September 25, 2017, 10:22pm
Does anyone know if you have to keep on getting it or once your had it it lasts for along time?