Effects of constant negativity

How does constant negativity affect you? If you’re been consistently put down to make you feel like the lowest person on earth. Does this make you feel motivated to be better or drive you deeper into a dark hole?

I still believe life has both ups and downs. Just wait for the momentum of changes.

This may not be relevant to your constant negativity, but worth a read

Being moody at times may be a small price to pay for the ability to adapt quickly when facing momentous environmental changes.

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Thank you for the reference. I will read it through. Just feel so demotivated at times. Nothing seems to to work out and what’s worse is it actually making me into a different person which I don’t like.

There’s this quite popular technique, called affirmations. Basically you sit(in front of the mirror if you want), and repeat to yourself in your head or out loud for 5-10 minutes, I am rich, I am confident, I am charismatic, I am good mannered, I have unlimited energy, etc; whatever you want to change about yourself. Now it doesn’t matter what you are or what you think, once you repeat the affirmation for enough time, your subconscious will start to believe it. This is a scientifically proven technique.

If you think about it, if you’re being put down and berated all the time, it’s like negative/reverse affirmations. And it doesn’t matter how strong willed you are, if that’s all you hear, your subconscious will align to that and you actually start thinking you are those things.

Being constantly put down drove me into a dark hole. It made me motivated as well, but it was the wrong kind of motivation. Once you use negative motivation enough, you start to believe that positive motivation doesn’t exist or it doesn’t work, which isn’t true. Few great things were accomplished with negative motivation. It’s always better to use positive motivation.

Two things you should do when you’re in that situation. Remove yourself from the person who’s abusing you as soon as you can. Secondly cultivate self-love. You have to undo all the stuff that was done to you, remove all the negative baggage you’re carrying. There are techniques like guided meditations and contemplation or even the affirmations that I mentioned earlier.

If you’ve been talked to like that for a long time, you start to do it to yourself in your head as well. The people putting you down, they have usually been treated the same way. It’s low self-esteem, they need to put others down constantly to feel worthy of anything. A great book about self-esteem is The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. People with high self-esteem rarely resort to things like that.

Good luck!


Is the feeling like almost impossible to become lucky?

That is absolutely brilliant. Thanks Godex

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Yeah something like that. Feels like you’re not worthy of anything and there’s no future. Will definitely use the advice given above. Thanks a mil guys…


One thing I’ll say about guided meditation, more so meditation in general, is that it can make people psychotic. I have never had an increase in symptoms from guided meditation but I have from regular one, so be careful.

The affirmations are simple, still there’s ways of doing it wrong. Gonna add some videos I like:

I really like the guy but he’s gotten very advanced in some of his recent videos, “newbies” might not find them as useful. Also he used to rag on psychedelics and now is into them, psychedelics are obviously a big no-no for people with sz.

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Thanks so much for the info and the motivations. I also enjoy the videos and definitely going to be moving forward with a more positive attitude.

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