Or I’m I just a really crappy person?
It sounds like you might be being a little paranoid
I couldn’t tell you have autism and you don’t seem unlikable
Not that it matters either way plenty of folks have autism and are perfectly likable
I’m not being paranoid. I don’t have any friends and I’m just wondering if it’s something about me that makes me this way. Unlikable.
It’s usually a combo of a lot of reasons why we might not have friends. For me I had to change some behaviors, not just obvious harmful ones hut I also self.isolate.
I need to work on going out more … I tend to avoid people. It’s not healthy.
I don’t have any friends either but that doesn’t mean I’m unlikable. You have to go out to social functions or a job or parties or mixers or meetups to make friends. I don’t even have a car so I can’t do that. Still think I’m likable though.
I have no friends too. I’ve always struggled to make friends.There’s a big difference between difficulty making friends and being a less than likeable person.
I’ve always got good vibes from you man. You’re a good person.
I was diagnosed as autistic at the age of 52. It came as no surprise.
We don’t really have a good support network in the UK.
Unfortunately there is no medication as we speak to treat it although abilify has helped me more to socialise.
I can’t speak about other people’s experiences.
Due to double empathy problem connecting with normal people is difficult. They assume you’re stepping over them/dominating them when you just share similar experience you think they might appreciate.
I had easy time with people who were into tech and stuff. Normal people see it as sign of treachery if you don’t agree with them the way they are used to.
I am in no position to criticise but you’re being too hard on yourself