Does having schizophrenia effect your dreams? do you have bizzare dreams

I am new to this forum. I used to have many disturbing dreams. At times the content of the dreams had an adverse effect on me, even when I was awake. Now I really don’t have any dreams at all, but I know the dreams can come back at any time.

I dream’t last night that I was Christ…

In this vivid dream, people by the thousands were all coming to see me. They were all dressed in robes, pilgrim hats and some were carrying old wooden tools and approaching with wheel barrows.

I awoke and started googling my birth date…things that happened in the world the day I was born.

I started for a moment slipping mentally into a mini psychosis. The dream was that real to me. I thought about it all morning at work, today. And I’m still thinking about it.

I’m going to address this with my Pdoc next appointment.

I dreamed my neighbors were putting me on trial for being a bad person and they were going to send me to hell. Weird that this thread about all of us having weird dreams would appear today when it is from May. Just a coincidence I guess.

Do you feel that subconsciousness is a potential reality?

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When were u born Christ was born in March…

amen son ■■■■ i had the wildest ride …

I either have no dreams…sz dreams mostly delusional super power dreams…or odd looped dreams…

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Sz dashed my dreams on the rocks… I dream no longer.

Yes, I have a rich dream life. But i forget when I wake up, that offsets some of the trauma.

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I have really weird dreams

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Not trying to be smart but dream of topless women a lot. Thought my dreams where pretty out there until I tried giving up smokes with patches. Vivid dreams are a side effect of the nicotine patches. Weird dreams and you remember ever second of it when you wake.

Website I use for dream analysis Is

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It started i was watching mr robot then i was in it and i was following this guy and he turned a corner and dissapeared, so i turned back around and all of a sudden everything was black. It wasn’t a dream at all i was aware and i was trying to ask him questions cause i could feel he was presently here. I saw a door and a walked up to it, there were chains on it everytime i got closer there was like a buzzer that shocked me every other step, then i got kinda scared and tried to wake up but my body was frozen and i couldnt get up, but i looked back at the door and decided i needed to go into it so i did and then i felt this giant wave come over me like someone elses conscious had entered me and now everything was black but like a pulse that matched up with my heartbeat would show me the outline of my bedroom, and i asked him who are you? And i could feel him debating on whether or not he should respond, like i could feel his thoughts. I asked him what he does, then i asked how we could help each other and i could feel him thinking again this time that it was too soon to tell me anything and that id have to keep trying. I told him i know you’re there and finally i started to hear like radio static and frequency and then over all that noise another real voice entered my head and he said i was here before you. I just know 100% that it was not a dream, the buzzing was unlike anything ive ever felt it was like my conscious was hopping back and forth between dimensions…


I have had really bad dreams about evil stuff and about being severely psychotic. They scare the crap out of me. I’ve been plagued with bad dreams all my life.

I’ve had alot of nightmares, so my doctor put me on prazosin…it deletes your capability to remember your dreams and you dream less and just get stone cold sleep.

I’ve had really creepy and terrifying dreams. I just don’t often talk about them. One, a bunch of old men in suits were sitting in chairs in a room while four women who were drugged or inebriated performed sexual acts while naked. The suits wanted me to join in this but I didn’t.

Then once, I walked into a house naked to an orgy in my dream. I saw a bunch of naked women sitting at a table having drinks and I got so nervous I peed on the floor without even thinking. Alot of my dreams have sexual situations that I’ve never been in and prefer not to be. I feel that someone is forcing those types of dreams on me so I just take prazosin and try to ignore whatever dreams come through.

Get a dreamcatcher, those help also with nightmares.

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yeah… they’re mostly family related, and the scene is mostly taken in rice fields or bad areas…

I just dreamed that I stole an M-14 assault rifle from an Arab, and then I walked into the library to show the weapon to the authorities, and everyone went aahhh he’s got a gun! Then they were all running around the library looking for a place to hide.

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Sounds a little like Camus’ The Stranger.

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when I am really bad I almost have a second life in my dreams. in real life I almost have no life. my dreams are quite vivid. sometimes-cauchemards, sometimes I even feel my guilt of myself in my dreams. wow, its strange,yes… :slight_smile:

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I take trazadone so that means vivid dreams every night…I’m always happy and travelling around in my dreams and I see some old friends in my dreams from college days. It just shows me how much I cherish my friends from those days.