Does anyone vape here

I changed the coil today. Its a swag vaporizer. Hopefully that does the job.

I use a Vaporesso tarot nano. About 6 mg nicotine. Some of the flavors I like are apple mint and salted caramel machiato. I have a big bottle of pure nicotine liquid that I mix with zero nicotine flavors due to it being illegal to sell juice with nicotine in australia.

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my smoke mag grip broke thanks i have insurance, always buy insurance for your mods guy your never if it breaks down, its just extra five bucks. just got 3 new juices big bottles cinnamon cream, strawberry milk and blue berry cake. tasty stuff.

Today was the first time ever i changed the coil. I vape away brandnew. Slowly i change over from cigarettes to vaping. I think i get a second maschine because of the battery problems.

My cardiologist made me quit vaping. Says emerging evidence shows it is bad for lungs over long term. Nowhere near as bad as smoking cigs. He says vaping should only be a temporary measure to help people quit smoking.

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How did he made you ? Our government make us quit by demonizing and increasing tabbaco tax. Its unaffordable on social security.

My doctors can refuse to sign my driver’s license medical. No signatures and I can’t drive.

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That is so mean and unfair in my point of view.

I have learned that it is best to follow the advice of my treatment providers. I am healthier and feeling better right now than I have for at least three years. Having people in your life who push you to improve yourself is a blessing and I am choosing gratitude as my response to it.


That is good for you. When i would have listen my life would be much worse.

i vaping for 2 years never had any problems, i think your cardiologist is just scaring you, theres really no evidence vaping damages your lung except illegal vaping stuff.

I need to stop vaping, its making me cough a lot bcz of covid19.

It’s absolutely proven to be bad for people with heart disease, which I am.

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one mine starte to leak too dont know why. Freemax gemm 80max

I really i didnt know that okay sorry.

I vape 18mg blueberry pods. Love it.

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Vaping eroded my jaw bone according to an X-ray

I tried it but had to quit almost instantly because I got pain in my heart region. I think the issue with vaping is that some people have a allergic reaction the chemicals that may kill them instantly. Young people have died from vaping. It’s probably not more dangerous than cigarettes. It’s the same deal there really. Some people can smoke till they are 80 while others may develop lung cancers within a few years. It’s different for everyone. Just have to listen to what your body tells you.

I guess so, the evidence from vaping there so few deaths from vaping than cigarettes is amazing, and there trying ban vaping. Cigarettes KILLS millions of people a year i did research. Look up online youll see the truth vaping is not that dangerous.


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